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Feeling good about demonstrations in Iran
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Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Feeling good about demonstrations in Iran

I can't believe it.......seeing massive demonstrations in Iran, but not seeing a single US flag being set on fire.....does my heart good...... :D

Author:  karyoker [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeling good about demonstrations in Iran

years ago I ventured into my fitst chat room and started talking to this gal. It was ASL on stuff. She said she was from Sterling. Sterling CO? No Sterling Scotland.. Wats CO? Colorado... Wheres Colorado?

It was then I started to realize how small the world is getting. I play online Texas Holdem with folks from all over the world and there are international scripts like NH (nice hand!) THNX!!! I can see a day when people are constantly communicating with and understanding each other on the net.

They can not keep their citizens in a bubble anymore unless you are like N Korea and totally deny them every luxury and communication the outside world. No spiritual development just living hell. China realized that folly and just look at what they are doing now.

The trend is just the opposite on this country now with more and more governmental intervention and control. They have almost taken us to a third world nation'

Author:  jdmeister [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeling good about demonstrations in Iran

Quite a few years ago, my father in law was amazed that I could pull up files from England in just a few seconds..

He was a square dancer,and didn't know Brits danced too..

Back on Topic:

Yes, this Iran thing is not done yet.. Some moron will do something stupid..

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeling good about demonstrations in Iran

lmao.....point being.....I'm not used to seeing protests in the Middle East, where they don't, do not, did not.... burn the US of America Flag...... :)

Author:  karyoker [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeling good about demonstrations in Iran

lmao.....point being.....I'm not used to seeing protests in the Middle East, where they don't, do not, did not.... burn the US of America Flag......

Exactly..Then we must be doing some good over there.We have thousands of ambassadors over there presenting a different life. I was saying 5 years ago all we need to do is get a karaoke fad going over there. Get them singing and having fun. The internet will change history more than any war plague or earth quake ever did. This is a different century and one can not study history and predict the future like before.

All the prophesies about the end of the world is coming true It is the end as was for centuries. Now it is a new world that the pace is so fast one needs a computer to keep up with it. Governmental controls or even basic formal education is not that important It is archaic A new society will emerge from all nations. It will not have a central force where a few can have control or power. Goods will not be material things and the tech evolution will exponentially increase and people will expect it. Hate will still fight against love but the rules will totally different. Only those with a strong sense and development of a spiritual foundation will understand. I now understand one more snowflake in a blizzard regarding the Great Plan and destiny for us all...

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