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Looking for sign ideas
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Author:  Babs [ Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for sign ideas

In one of the threads we discussed signs and I can't remember where people said they were buying them from. I'd love to have one made that wasn't super expensive.
It would be nice to display it on the stage. What kind of signs do you all use and where did you buy them?

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Many bars already have the resources that will not cost them a DIME with their beer/liquor distributors to get free banners custom made for advertisingtheir club & entertainment. Many even offer free giveaways - like t-shirts & other things!

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Yeah , most signs in bars are freebies given by the various liquior distributors etc.
They are USUALLY generic in nature, meaning they may say KARAOKE but NOt Babs Karaoke. You may have to have a banner made exlusively for your company if thats waht you are looking for. ( You can even contact the same distributor ?)

Author:  Michaelangelo1 [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Hello Babs, I think we discussed this in some detail in an archive post found here:

http://www.karaoke-forum.com/viewtopic. ... dvertising

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas


there's a neon-like sign you can get off E-Bay. It's not very big, but it does light up a lot and gives a great ambionce. They are about 12" x 9" so they won't work for a sign in the window... but a way to jazz up the area you're set up in?

EBAY link

Now that url also has many of the higher priced ones. But I think you can see what I was trying to show you!

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

I was told by a couple of bartenders lately that the distributors previously did those signs for free but they're not free anymore - I think they charge a nominal fee but certainly worth asking.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

I'm not really looking for a banner. I'm looking for something I can bring show to show. Something more personal like "Karaoke with Babs". I saw the neon ones on ebay. They are actually pretty nice for the price, but like I said I want something more personal. I also saw the LED scrolling ones. That might be a route to go too.

Thanks Michael for trying to find the post for me. It was a post that got off subject, so it would be hard to find. I believe we started talking about it because there was a pic of a KJ with a sign behind him that was really nice. It said "Karaoke with ____". It looked like it was maybe 5' by 5'.

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

There are a lot of franchise sign places around that offer the kinds of signs you're looking for. You could probably take artwork in. I know they also make car door magnets - I thought about getting one of those, too. Maybe getting one for the stage and one for the door - the old 'recognition' thing. Of course that would eliminate leaving equipment in the rig ever. Maybe not such a good idea.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Babs @ Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:58 am wrote:
I'm not really looking for a banner. I'm looking for something I can bring show to show. Something more personal like "Karaoke with Babs". I saw the neon ones on ebay. They are actually pretty nice for the price, but like I said I want something more personal. I also saw the LED scrolling ones. That might be a route to go too.

Thanks Michael for trying to find the post for me. It was a post that got off subject, so it would be hard to find. I believe we started talking about it because there was a pic of a KJ with a sign behind him that was really nice. It said "Karaoke with ____". It looked like it was maybe 5' by 5'.

Babs, I have done EXACTLY what you're talking about... and it cost me about $18 to MAKE a personal light up sign! No really!

The key is to keep your eyes open. At one of the bars I worked at they had an old "bud light" 18" x 18" light box just sitting unused in the DJ booth. I asked about it, and apparently someone knocked it off the wall and the light didn't work anymore.

I asked if I could have it, and they said sure! When I took the cover off I found the graphic just pealed away leaving clear plastic.

A trip to Home Depot, and a few bucks got me the hardware I needed as well as a new decorative hanging chain. :D

Using Adobe Photoshop, I created a high resolution PDF 18" x 18" of my howling koyote graphic (see my icon), that says "good music, good friend, howling good time" and has my email and phone # on it.

I saved it to CD, and took it to the Staples printing department. They have a graphic printer there that can print it full size. I also had it laminated. Booom, it fits right in the same spot as the old Bud Light graphic and looks great!

Everyone always asks me who I got to make it for me... cracks me up. :wink:

You can always make your own light box relatively easy... any square wooden box of the appropriate size will work. Paint the outsize black, and the inside stark white and intstall an 18" flourescent light ($12). Mount your graphic between two thin layers of plexiglas and mount to the box. Done.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Wow - you're genious. I wish I was that handy.

There seems to always be at least one wood worker at the out door flea markets. Maybe I could find someone to paint a sign for reasonable.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Babs @ Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:28 am wrote:
Wow - you're genious. I wish I was that handy.

There seems to always be at least one wood worker at the out door flea markets. Maybe I could find someone to paint a sign for reasonable.

Babs, sweetheart, its not that hard. Do you have an idea of what you want your graphic to say?? Let me know, what size you want, and I'll custom MAKE the graphic for you and email it to ya!

My email address is on my website!

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

jamkaraoke @ Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:24 am wrote:
Yeah , most signs in bars are freebies given by the various liquior distributors etc.
They are USUALLY generic in nature, meaning they may say KARAOKE but NOt Babs Karaoke. You may have to have a banner made exlusively for your company if thats waht you are looking for. ( You can even contact the same distributor ?)

If the bar asks for it, they can get a banner from their distributor that says exactly what they want.

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

Lonman @ Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:03 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:24 am wrote:
Yeah , most signs in bars are freebies given by the various liquior distributors etc.
They are USUALLY generic in nature, meaning they may say KARAOKE but NOt Babs Karaoke. You may have to have a banner made exlusively for your company if thats waht you are looking for. ( You can even contact the same distributor ?)

If the bar asks for it, they can get a banner from their distributor that says exactly what they want.

Ours says KingBingKaraoke.

I wanted a light sign for outside. Found them on ebay and other places for $100. My local karaoke shop had it for $50.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

I feel there is no need for a sign, my logo is displayed on the tv's in the bar with my web address and phone number.

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

sorry, there's a bigggg difference between a SIGN and a logo that is up on the tv. Most people get annoyed with the constant logo on the TV anyway!

Author:  ripman8 [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for sign ideas

I took the bars logo and combined it with mine and created a combo logo for the compuhost screen. We've already had a few people stop in that said they came in because they saw the neon karaoke sign outside.

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