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Using midi files for karaoke.
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Author:  jakessloan [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Using midi files for karaoke.

Sometimes you can't find a karaoke song available by any of the karaoke vendors but you can find it on the internet in midi format. The problem tho is that the singers part is being played by a computer instrument. you can try to sing over it but lots of times that doesn't work out. Well there is a program that will mute that instrument from playing and leave the rest of the instrumentation. It's called Vanbasco's karaoke player and you can download it free from the internet.

http://www.brothersoft.com/vanbasco.s-m ... -6263.html

Author:  fsapienjr [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using midi files for karaoke.

There isn't a Pro KJ I know of that would use any MIDI Karaoke, so who cares about the technical aspects of MIDI.

Is there a question somewhere in your post, or are you just advertising links you like? This is not the place for non-solicitated spam. Your next post below looks just like advertisement also. Am I missing something?

Author:  Micky [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using midi files for karaoke.

fsapienjr @ Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:07 pm wrote:
There isn't a Pro KJ I know of that would use any MIDI Karaoke, so who cares about the technical aspects of MIDI.

Is there a question somewhere in your post, or are you just advertising links you like? This is not the place for non-solicitated spam. Your next post below looks just like advertisement also. Am I missing something?

And YOU say I can be jerk :roll: Vandbasko is a freeware and he's only suggesting a software that can remove that vocal guide :!:

Karafun is another software that can remove that vocal guide, but if you're going to use a midi file, you'll need a midi sequencer software like Virtual Sound Canvas (VSC) to make it sound better :wink: The pro KJ will tell you they don't use midi file but some do with out knowing it, it's just that it has been converted to cdg :wink: Midi with the proper tools can be a great way to learn karaoke at home :D

Oh yeah, you don't necessary need to ask a question, a statement is still OK :wink:

Author:  jerry12x [ Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Using midi files for karaoke.

fsapienjr @ Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:07 am wrote:
There isn't a Pro KJ I know of that would use any MIDI Karaoke

There isn't a KJ who does not.
Micky is right.

You would need a sound module though.

Author:  jakessloan [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Using midi files for karaoke.


First of all genius not everybody who does karaoke is a KJ. Did it ever occur to you that people who sing online also use karaoke files. I'm just makng a suggestion to people who don't mind using midi files to sing with. And the technical questions area is where most people who might want to know how to do this would come to, so why not post it here ?

Author:  Micky [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Using midi files for karaoke.

jakessloan @ Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:44 am wrote:

First of all genius not everybody who does karaoke is a KJ. Did it ever occur to you that people who sing online also use karaoke files. I'm just makng a suggestion to people who don't mind using midi files to sing with. And the technical questions area is where most people who might want to know how to do this would come to, so why not post it here ?

Agree, karaoke is also popular at home and midi files are welcome when combined with the Roland VSC :wink: It was my understanding that you wanted to share something with us, and you did select the proper forum :wink:

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