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Getting Started ?. . . Online Karioke,Karioke In General?
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Author:  Frankie M [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Getting Started ?. . . Online Karioke,Karioke In General?

I'm a pretty good singer who wants to create a solid karioke library, to play and send to my friends.

What's the best online karioke service to use?

Or, what's the best way to create a solid library? I have an older CD/tape recording karioke machine. Is this machine obsolete now? It works well, but what's the least expensive way to go now? mp3s, online , ??

So, I'm looking for basic info on the best, least expensive way to get started.

Thanks in advance!

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Getting Started ?. . . Online Karioke,Karioke In General?

Is this for home use, or are you wanting to go pro?

If you want to play cdgs, and your machine works, I'd still use it. But you should look around for a newer machine, say from our sponsors in the lower left purple area. "Off Site Links".

There you'll also find a lot of "deals"... you can pick up some discs for cheap. Older ones, especially ones that are discontinued are taking up valuable space in retailers warehouses. I will freely admit that I got a lot of discs on sale at karaoke.com. Many for $2-$5 each...

Some I learned to deal with, others I replaced as I got more and more requests.

Depends entirely on what you're looking for, and of course, where you're located.

Check out the banners on the top of the page here too. These people pay for that advertising for a reason... to get customers!

If there are reviews available, READ them. I ended up not getting some discs because of those~!

Author:  Babs [ Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Getting Started ?. . . Online Karioke,Karioke In General?

My suggestion is stay away from Super CDGs and players. You'll see a lot of that online.

What type of player do you have?

If you use the search feature on the site you'll see there is much discussion about which CDGs manufacturers are preferred for quality. Just as an example a lot of people prefer Sound Choice as a brand.

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