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Korean "Queen" CGG+DVD origional tracks Problems
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Author:  Dr Fred [ Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Korean "Queen" CGG+DVD origional tracks Problems

I just bought a copy of the origonal artists Queen tracks, a Korean import, with 32 songs from Queen as Karaoke. I tried to rip the karaoke CD but I got back no graphics when I went to play it.

The Karaoke DVD version of the songs that comes with the boxed set does work fine though on my computer, but of course that is a bit of a hassle for someone used to running a computer based show.

I have never had a problem ripping any of the other hundreds of CDs I have bought, with the exception of the Sound Choice Media Cloq ones.

Anyone else try these CDs and have a similar or different experience?

The DVD karaoke version is certainly different to the Karaoke I am used to, with the origonal artist on screen singing along silently to the Karaoke singer.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Korean "Queen" CGG+DVD origional tracks Problems

You need a special ripper, VJripper from www.clubdjpro.com

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