Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Help a newbe. I just attempted to post a song (twice actually), and neither play.
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Author:  oldkaraokenewbe [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Help a newbe. I just attempted to post a song (twice actually), and neither play.

I attempted to post a song and obviously have something wrong with my files. The first came up as a blank file. I'm sure it was my fault. I tried to redo it and run against the one song/day limit. The second try, an hour later, but after Midnight didn't work either. How can I delete these worthless entries so they don't count against my limit? I recorded with Garageband, Mastered to I-tunes and burned to a CD. I think I figured out how to convert to MP3, but I am certainly not familiar with Mac systems. THANKS for any advice I get.


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