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Not Karaoke but sing along ?
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Author:  jimsmith2354 [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Not Karaoke but sing along ?

I'm looking for Karaoke DVDs with the original artist singing (on it). I looks like here in the US we have CD+G discs which have music and lyrics but not the original singer. In the Philippines and Asia they have DVDs with lyrics and some nice backgrounds, but with some local Yocal singer. On their machines you can turn down or turn off the original singer. Is there such a thing as a karaoke CD or DVD with the original artist to "sing along with"? :?

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Not Karaoke but sing along ?

Not to my knowledge but there are softwares to create such songs.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Not Karaoke but sing along ?

There aren't many brands that have that. But one that does is the Motown Original Artist Series. They have just the backing track which is the original with the vocals removed and many of the discs also have the original track with the artist singing as a practice track.

Author:  fsapienjr [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Not Karaoke but sing along ?

As stated above the Motown Original Artist series. These are actually made by Singing Machine, and are CD+G's. Songs come both with or without lead vocals.

There are also Original Footage VCD's. This is a twelve disc set of older music, original videos of the original artist. This is a multiplex set, so the vocals can be removed. When I do private parties for people around 50 years old or older, everybody loves them.

Billboard makes a top 10 series, which has original music and vocals, and versions without.

K-Tel also makes some disc that are original artist music and leads, with versions without leads.

Felix the KJ

Author:  desbro [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Not Karaoke but sing along ?

mpme have multiplex karaoke with a guide vocal on the right channel. It's CDG. I'm pretty sure you can download these on Selectatrack or Tricera? But I don't think they have their own website

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