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Does anyone Have The Clap ?
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Author:  ChrisClay [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Does anyone Have The Clap ?

Ok, now that I have your attention. I really get tired of seeing people not applauding for singers who give it their all whether they are good or not. I always complement a singer no matter how good or bad they may sound and I alway's try to encourage the audience to clap (example, Let's give it up for ....or let's put our hands together for ... and so on) but sometimes you can hear a pin drop. I don't get it. This is becoming more frequent. Any suggestions ? I almost forgot to mention that I have started to use an applause soundbyte after each singer which sometimes prompts people to applaud but i would prefer it to be natural.

Author:  jreynolds [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone Have The Clap ?


besides repeatedly announcing as you do to "put your hands together for such-n-such", i have also tried to condition my regular singers to always clap and tell them it helps me do my job.

I've also put a sign on the singer tv screen tht says " please don't scream, swing the mics, dance around, and please applaud for other singers,"etc...

I have found the BEST way for to me to solicit an applause from the crowd is to have a white cardboard sign written in black ink the says "HUGE APPLAUSE!" on one side, and "SOMEBODY SCREAM!" on the other. Has worked for many years now.

Just flash it behind the singer during an instrumental break or right before the end of a song but try not to get caught- they always think they're doing great and it energizes them more to perform.

...i borrowed (stole) the idea from a kj in myrtle beach about 6 years ago. works great! :mrgreen: Try It and you'll be pleasantly surprised! Aloha! J.R.

Author:  seattledrizzle [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone Have The Clap ?

People tend to forget how nervous they were the first time they sang, and how welcome the applause was. Some people go to a bar with their own cheering section, some people go alone. Everyone, however, needs applause...

Author:  Babs [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone Have The Clap ?

In my experience smaller crowds tend to clap more than large crowds. Sometimes I loose the crowd participation response when so many people are in the room. I usual don't have a problem with applause, but when I notice them fading I'll challenge them by saying something like, Come on everyone I know you can do better than that for the great performance you just heard. Or I'll say where's the love for so & so that was awesome singing.

Unfortuately some venues just aren't friendly. You maybe introducing something new to them. If the norm in a place is to not clap you have to change their way of thinking. Getting some of your regulars on board is a start.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone Have The Clap ?

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