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 Post subject: CB and PHM membership
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:26 pm 
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Does this look like a good membership deal? I thought PHM membership was $47 anyway?

http://www.uskaraokealliance.com/USKAMe ... Offer.html

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:39 am 
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Well if you could get the CB discs at $35 per month for 2 discs it could be worth it. If you were a member of CB's monthly club it costs $5.99 per month and the discs with the club discount run about $17.99 each so each month CB would charge you $41.97.

Then if you read all the info on the site you become a member of USKA and have to obey their membership rules and the biggest one that stands out is in their Code of Ethical Requirements.

They state the following:
License or Trade name - Any legitimate business must have a business license or a certification of their tradename. Hobbyists (who do this as a side job) often disappear leaving bars stuck at the last moment and often hide illegal music or sub par equipment by not having a valid license so they can be tracked. This is also to protect you personal assets if you are unfortunate enough to be sued. Keep your business and personal assets separate.

Not anyone I know including myself has a business license.

Also they say:
Best for venue principles - Each of our bars are encouraged to identify any problems with a show , music or hosts to their hosting companies. If a member hosting company is having an issue we promise to meet with club owners and discuss changing hosts or adjusting styles or changing up equipment.. Since we have several companies we can even look at switching out the company if that is required. Remember, sometimes people have personality conflicts and a slight change can make it better for everyone. All of our owners have agreed to come in and help mediate an issue if it arises.

Uh no one is going to tell me how to run my show or what equipment to buy.

And two more things
Drinking – Smoking - Working in a bar environment as an entertainer is a bit different from most places. Many bars like the host to loosen up a bit or help with pitching of drinks... We will always announce your bar specials and we will always pitch your drinks. If you do not want your host drinking let us know and they will not drink at your show... All hosts will only take limited smoke breaks and never allow those breaks to interrupt the show. Hosts are never to be out of control, use foul language, or act unprofessionally. As companies we agree to supervise this and act upon any related issue from any club.

Timeliness - We take our shows and your profits very seriously. Our hosts are always to be on site 30 minutes prior to show with music tested at least 10 minutes prior to start. This allows for troubleshooting time if problems arise. If a show starts late due to any host controllable issues, we will either extend the show or give you a proportional discount. This requires you to contact your hosting company’s manager at the time this occurs. That way we can identify repeated issues and make sure you are being taken care of. If your host is constantly running late we want to know so we can fix the issue.

Just who do these people think they are. They make it sound like you work for them.

Lone Wolf

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:41 am 
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I'm with Lonewolf.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:46 am 
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Wow LoneWolf. This is America right? It totally sounds like they think you work for them. There is no way in the world I would sign their terms of use agreement. They can kiss my rump.

Felix the KJ

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:52 am 
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Me neither but I must admit I got a business license. Everyone told me that karaoke and musicians never get one but when I read the laws of our state it specifically said that if you made money AT ALL with ANY activity, you need to pay the piper.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:56 am 
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leopard lizard @ Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:52 pm wrote:
Me neither but I must admit I got a business license. Everyone told me that karaoke and musicians never get one but when I read the laws of our state it specifically said that if you made money AT ALL with ANY activity, you need to pay the piper.

Huh, not sure where you are but they must be tough on garage sales and kiddo's selling lemonade (do they even do that anymore ?) if you need a license to make any money.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:04 am 
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leopard lizard @ Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:52 pm wrote:
Me neither but I must admit I got a business license. Everyone told me that karaoke and musicians never get one but when I read the laws of our state it specifically said that if you made money AT ALL with ANY activity, you need to pay the piper.

Depends on your location. I have been an independent businessman for many years in three different states, and have never had one. Some states seem to require one, many do not.

All require you to pay taxes, which I do. 8-)

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:17 am 
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For the lemonade sellers, there is an exemption for a business operated from the home but you have to make less than a certain amount of money per year. If you did karaoke as a once a week hobby you would be ok but if you even made $400/week then you would be over--not that we have gotten there--you can apply for an exemption for the next year if you don't make enough money. But the law specifically states that if you engage in a trade or business to make money you need a license. Except for the above there are only 7 exceptions and music/karaoke isn't one of them.

We are in Nevada and there is even an extra entertainment license if you are in a large capacity venue that has slots but I think the venue has to pay that one. Plus besides the state license, each county requires a license, also.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:59 pm 
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My area considers karaoke a "service" and I require no business license. I did howerever register my trade names "Karaoke Koyote" and "Howling Good Entertainment" . I then applied for a tax ID number through the federal government.

I'm with Lonewolf. I own my own karaoke company. The employees consist of me, myself, and I. And I like it that way! :D

I work how and when I want... I work very hard, and try to be an entertaining host. I will say the things I want over my mic, and do what I think the bar patrons will enjoy. Screw them! I can also get my music (legally) at a discount too. Who
needs 'em?

www.Karaoke.com is just down the street from me, and I get tons of the old PHM, and Chartbusters at 5 disks for $10 in the bargin bins. The retail store portion of the warehouse is only open from 10 - 4 on Saturdays though. I make it a point to go there every week :D .

If there's something I really need, I can get it right there at the web price, but no shipping! And that's not counting the deals on ebay, and craigslist. The USKA can kiss my lilly white :shock:

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:37 pm 
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hmm, intersting. I found the same music on ebay a little cheaper anyway.

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