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DK San Franciso Bay Blues--anyone heard it?
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Author:  leopard lizard [ Thu May 28, 2009 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  DK San Franciso Bay Blues--anyone heard it?

My latest song infatuation is with San Francisco Bay Blues and I see DK has a version but I have yet to find it on a site that has a sample. Is anyone out there familiar with it? I don't expect anything as exciting as the Flatlander's version with saws playing in the background but I WOULD like it to be a rouser. Is the DK version uptempo with guitar background or banjos or ukeleles or something exciting like that?

Thanks, if you know.

Author:  fsapienjr [ Thu May 28, 2009 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DK San Franciso Bay Blues--anyone heard it?

I have this song on DK. DK on DivX Volume 2, song 441. I just played it. It sounds like a country/folk type song from the 50's. The song is definately uptempo. Sounds to me like there are acoustic guitars and banjos. No Saw in the background that I could tell. There doesn't even appear to be the dredded Midi Flute associated with DK. Definately an older person's song.

Felix the KJ

Author:  leopard lizard [ Thu May 28, 2009 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DK San Franciso Bay Blues--anyone heard it?

Thanks, if it has banjo, it might be OK. It is more of a "classic folk" rather than Older person's song. Ok, it's an older person's song but I'll do it Pink style. Too bad it doesn't have the saws.

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