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recording options for beginner (recording singing for practice)
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Author:  josafeen [ Wed May 27, 2009 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  recording options for beginner (recording singing for practice)

Hello all :-)
My daughter is progressing with her singing, taking lessons (along with guitar), and i would like to begin recording her, simply for practice purposes. I'm looking for a simple recording setup, affordable for a beginner, but with 'decent' quality (like, it won't discourage her by ruining the quality of her singing, lol). Can anyone reccomend something? Am i better off using my computer, or a stereo with recording functions.....or??
thank you so much for the help!

Author:  ok What Now [ Wed May 27, 2009 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: recording options for beginner (recording singing for practice)

hi, i would use a program called cool edit pro 2.0....its very easy to use with ur comp. and theres plenty on here that with help you get it for free....and show you how to use it...great bunch of people on here...good luck

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Wed May 27, 2009 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: recording options for beginner (recording singing for practice)

Yup I would agree with Billy that the computer is the way to go...you might be better to start with a free prog called Audacity. It is a very good prog and is free.
Perhaps a small mixer to plug in a mic. Dont skimp on your mic...a good mic that she enjoys using means her confidence will rise and if you select a decent dynamic mic (like a shure sm58 or a sennheiser evolution series) then she can use that mic if she is invited to sing anywhere.
If the recording thing becomes more important you can perhaps look at investing in a condenser mic.

Anyway that is my 2cents :)

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