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CAVS JB-199 Update
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Author:  purpletib [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  CAVS JB-199 Update

Well, as usual with EVERY TIME I try to add more music to my system it is fighting me. CAVS support is almost useless and worthless, I will try calling on Tuesday after the holiday weekend, but I figured I'd ask here as someone may know how to deal with my issue.

First step, which I can deal with and get around, is that before I send the new files to the JB-199 it tells me I must save the juke.txt file then it tells me it can't find the file. :roll: It's in the same directory. That I can deal with. It's the next problem I'm running into.

When I try to send the files, I get the error message for every file I try to send: Cannot send ##### Second HDD's song number (0~) is locked.

Any clues what I need to do to fix this? It has to be something simple, but the help site is useless, they took away the forums, and no reply to e-mail yet. :evil: I swear, my next system is just going to be a straight laptop with Compuhost. I deal with this or similar problems whenever I update.

Author:  sw00000p [ Mon May 25, 2009 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CAVS JB-199 Update

Good idea to Backup/CONVERT your "JB199 = NCG" files to a format recognized by CompuHost.

I hear Roxbox will accomplish this task for you, but I'm not sure of any specifics.
I definitely know CDGFix Super will do it!

Basically your JB199 files are encrypted. With Cavs latest firmware you now have an "Address INX and a Juke txt. file" along with the tracks.

To convert these files to another format...
The software needs to find ONE KEY and spit them out accordingly!

Kind Regards,

Author:  purpletib [ Mon May 25, 2009 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CAVS JB-199 Update

Interesting, and I may try it, but for now it would be nice to just continue with the CAVS format and update. I'll call customer service tomorrow.

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