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Invalid folders and Jingles
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Author:  tonybee808 [ Fri May 15, 2009 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Invalid folders and Jingles

Advice Needed Please.

Invalid Folders
I recently bought a track from getkaraokedownloads.com and it plays OK on my Desktop PC using Sax-n-Dotty Show presenter.
However, I loaded the track onto a USB Stick and transfered the file to my Laptop, which also uses Show Presenter.
When I select the "Import" screen it finds the song but when I select "Get Tracks" I get a message screen telling me to "Please choose a valid folder".
I have tried putting the song in a different folder but the result is the same.

Try as I may, I can't find the "Claps, Cheers and Utility Tracks" that are supposed to be a feature of this system.
Are these bought separately or must you make your own?
I assume that these jingles are loaded into the 16 numbered buttons but in the absence of a "Users Manual", which doesn't seem to exist, can anyone explain what I need to do?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Tony beetham

Author:  RLC [ Fri May 15, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Invalid folders and Jingles

tonybee808 @ Fri May 15, 2009 6:55 am wrote:
Advice Needed Please.

Invalid Folders
I recently bought a track from getkaraokedownloads.com and it plays OK on my Desktop PC using Sax-n-Dotty Show presenter.
However, I loaded the track onto a USB Stick and transfered the file to my Laptop, which also uses Show Presenter.
When I select the "Import" screen it finds the song but when I select "Get Tracks" I get a message screen telling me to "Please choose a valid folder".
I have tried putting the song in a different folder but the result is the same.

The only way I could duplicate this problem is by trying to import the song right off of the USB stick...If you actually copy the file to a folder on your laptop it should import fine.

tonybee808 @ Fri May 15, 2009 6:55 am wrote:
Try as I may, I can't find the "Claps, Cheers and Utility Tracks" that are supposed to be a feature of this system.
Are these bought separately or must you make your own?
I assume that these jingles are loaded into the 16 numbered buttons but in the absence of a "Users Manual", which doesn't seem to exist, can anyone explain what I need to do?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Tony beetham

The utility tracks (*.wav or *.mp3 files) are not included with Show Presenter. You must find, download, make or buy these tracks and put them in a folder and then assign them to one of the Utility Buttons.
You can do a search for these tracks and most can be downloded free.
Just do a Google search for "free sound effects wave files" or be even more specific than that and Google "free applause wave file" etc. etc.

You assign them to a button under "Tools" "Options" Utilities"
In the first box you name the button for the "mouse over balloon" and in the second box you direct the program to the wave or mp3 file location.

Send me a PM or email and I will send you the Show Presenter Help File.

Author:  tonybee808 [ Sat May 16, 2009 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Invalid folders and Jingles

Thanks for the response RLC.
I will do a bit more checking on the "Invalid File" problem and let you know how I get on.
I would welcome the Show Presenter help File but can't see your e-mail address.
Could you please send it to me at www.abeetham@btinternet.com
Thanks in advance.

Author:  RLC [ Sat May 16, 2009 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Invalid folders and Jingles

tonybee808 @ Sat May 16, 2009 4:19 am wrote:
Thanks for the response RLC.
I will do a bit more checking on the "Invalid File" problem and let you know how I get on.
I would welcome the Show Presenter help File but can't see your e-mail address.
Could you please send it to me at www. style=font-size:9px>send me an email</span></i><a>
Thanks in advance.

Your email link didn't work so here is a link to it.

http://home.comcast.net/~randycreel/dow ... nter_2.htm

The help file is for version 2.2 but none of the versions are that much different, so the help file should help with those as well.

and here is a link to some of the things that are possible with Show Presenter.


Author:  tonybee808 [ Sun May 17, 2009 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Invalid folders and Jingles

Thank you very much for the links RLC.
I have downloaded them and printed them off for reference.

On the Invalid Folders problem, I now realise that I was selecting the File itself and not the Folder that contained it...Doh!
This caused the Show Presenter to lock up and shut down.
All sorted now.
Many thanks

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