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Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses
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Author:  karyoker [ Wed May 13, 2009 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

This is not to be smart or cause arguments. I read things on here about being professional and you need this or need to spend this much etc.

From the farm I could and have used all these tools many times. The first dog house I have an old straw hat on. I have 2 hand saws, a crosscut and a rip. I also have an old folding tape measure, a claw hammer and an old hand plane with a sharp blade and a square. I wont tell you about the bucket of bent nails we pulled out of the shed that blew over last summer. I get a mental picture of the plans and start cutting 2X2,s for a frame including rafters for a pitched roof. I right angle notch them on the ends and after straitening a few nails put the frame together. There are plenty of 1X4 boards for the siding. Side it then lay the roof. I put felt on the roof and tar anything that might leak Then I put asphalt shingles on.I trim the corners and door with 1 1/2 trim. Last is a good paint job.

Next one I have an old ball cap (pick your team). Now I have a skill saw, circular saw to some, a tape measure that rewinds itself up, a brand new claw hammer, a level, a rafter square, a power sander, a planer, a chalk line & blueprints from Home Depot and also all the materials store bought new. I basically go through the same building process.

Next one I dont have a hat but I do have a clean shirt and tie. I buy all the materials and go down to Denver to my uncle's. He has a full basement full of all the laser guided power tools you could ever dream of. I digitally enter what dimensions I want and feed the boards through. With everything precut I have a few beers then next day return home and go through about the same building process.

NOW.. Dollar to a doughnut you cant tell the difference between any of the three..
Which one is the most professional? I can take pride in all three but my favorite one is the first..

The moral of this story is if you cant build a dog house with the straw hat on then you know nothing of the basics about carpentry and are using nothing but crutches. I visited a cabinet shop a couple of times in Naples Itally and the old man didnt have a power tool in the shop. Learn how to run a 3630 then a 266XL is a snap.

Author:  Gryf [ Wed May 13, 2009 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

The effect in the end is all the same. However you could also have been doing something to make the work better if you have better tools. With that fancy computer router you might put the family crest in your doghouse.

If all you're looking to do with a show is provide works on a screen and something resembling music in the background your example stands pat. if you're looking to do the best show possible you can spend a lot of time and effort to do the same work a few tools might get you. With those tools you can spend the time as a host to provide a superior experience.

That's what every tool should bring to the table. A tangible benefit.

Author:  karyoker [ Wed May 13, 2009 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

The effect in the end is all the same. However you could also have been doing something to make the work better if you have better tools. With that fancy computer router you might put the family crest in your doghouse.

If all you're looking to do with a show is provide works on a screen and something resembling music in the background your example stands pat. if you're looking to do the best show possible you can spend a lot of time and effort to do the same work a few tools might get you. With those tools you can spend the time as a host to provide a superior experience.

That's what every tool should bring to the table. A tangible benefit.

YES SIR I agree with you 100%. I hire hosts all the time and dont expect too much on a soundman basis . However if I were hiring a soundman I would prefer somebody like Lonman that grew up with the basic tools and knew how to EQ and adjust a PA system without all the tools we have now. He could walk up to my system and run it to its max. But he didnt start out with these modern procs . He learned the BASICS..

That is all I am emphasizing learn the basics then buy the shortcuts and complicated units. LOL

BTW I'm back home now if you still want a 3630..

Author:  diafel [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

Great point.
I'm also of the opinion that a person should learn to drive on a standard first, then an automatic. You learn about gearing down when necessary (which you otherwise probably won't even think about) and you also are able to drive any vehicle, standard or auto in the end.

Author:  letitrip [ Wed May 13, 2009 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

Ahh but you wouldn't build that first dog house and advertise yourself as a professional carpenter now would you?

Author:  Lonman [ Thu May 14, 2009 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

karyoker @ Wed May 13, 2009 5:40 pm wrote:
The effect in the end is all the same. However you could also have been doing something to make the work better if you have better tools. With that fancy computer router you might put the family crest in your doghouse.

If all you're looking to do with a show is provide works on a screen and something resembling music in the background your example stands pat. if you're looking to do the best show possible you can spend a lot of time and effort to do the same work a few tools might get you. With those tools you can spend the time as a host to provide a superior experience.

That's what every tool should bring to the table. A tangible benefit.

YES SIR I agree with you 100%. I hire hosts all the time and dont expect too much on a soundman basis . However if I were hiring a soundman I would prefer somebody like Lonman that grew up with the basic tools and knew how to EQ and adjust a PA system without all the tools we have now. He could walk up to my system and run it to its max. But he didnt start out with these modern procs . He learned the BASICS..

That is all I am emphasizing learn the basics then buy the shortcuts and complicated units. LOL

BTW I'm back home now if you still want a 3630..

The first system I trained on consisted of a Soundtech 16 channel mixer, Alesis Midiverb 2 for effects & & 2 3630's for 4 channels of compression - along with a 4 channel monitor board on the side of the stage. Absolutley nothing more.
Now having said that, if I could do it all again, I would try to get the best I could without having to repurchase upgrades if possible. If I knew now what I knew then, no way would I have bought the 3630 & would have saved up for the dbx 166XL (well & a better mixer for that matter) for my first unit. While I agree with your overall premise of the post ( yes learn to drive a manual shift Yugo, you could later drive a manual shift Ferrari), I would have to to recommend better equipment from the get go. I HATED the 3630 as a compressor. If it is all they can afford, then ok - get what you can afford - it's still better than no comression at all), but I personally would say save up & get quality at first - they both do the same thing, just one sounds better & you might as well learn on the better piece.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu May 14, 2009 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

letitrip @ Wed May 13, 2009 9:10 pm wrote:
Ahh but you wouldn't build that first dog house and advertise yourself as a professional carpenter now would you?
If I was specializing in Dog Houses - maybe I might! :mrgreen:

Author:  karyoker [ Thu May 14, 2009 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

Ahh but you wouldn't build that first dog house and advertise yourself as a professional carpenter now would you

I reckon my grandpa and all the others wasnt worried about pro or status. (you better call them sir or mister), they were making an honest living.

A professional can use every tool of his trade and can use the tools that his ancestors used for generations. Yes I would call myself a professional with the first dog house for it was certainly built with skills that a non professional does not have. It was built with experienced hands and knowledge that the average person doesnt have. If I am building dog houses and making an honest living why isnt it professional?

The first PA system I used or worked on was a hot heavy Bogen amp that you could hear in the next county. I guess we wernt pros back then. LOL

All I can say is the system I have now was paid for by honest work and a very cheap un professional system. Us poor honest folks have strange ways.

Author:  karyoker [ Thu May 14, 2009 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

Ahh but you wouldn't build that first dog house and advertise yourself as a professional carpenter now would you?
If I was specializing in Dog Houses - maybe I might! Mr. Green

Wat the 55755 does dog houses have to with karaoke? ROFL

Author:  BarStar [ Fri May 15, 2009 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses


Author:  jamkaraoke [ Fri May 15, 2009 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Hats & 3 Dog Houses

BarStar @ Fri May 15, 2009 2:12 pm wrote:

It's amazing what conversations can get going with just a little alcohol !! LOL


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