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Tale of 2 $10 Tips
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Tale of 2 $10 Tips

#1 - Past weekend have a womam that comes in - very nice lady and has been in to sing a fewtimes. I'm always accomodating as any KJ should be and even sung a duet with her as requested. On the way out she stops by hands me $10 and tells me "Thank you, she had a great time "

#2 - Guy comes in later in the evening , never saw him before but seems he's been around "karaoke" After his 1st song he hands me his second request along with a slip for a duet with his GIRLFRIEND who also just sang her 1st song. - Fast forward to 1:15 and I walk over and tell him - I'll only have time for him to sing 1 more song..which one does he want SINGLE or DUET ?. He tells me duet and when it's his time I call him up. After his DUET he leans over and tells me he will give me $10 if I let him sing his last song. I SMILE and tell him I'll do my best but no guarantee. I ended up staying an extra 15 minutes trying to get all the request sung and of course I say to Mr. $10. Ok lets go you can have the last song.
He sings and when he is done ...... walks away without handing me $10
Wouldn't look me in the eye on the way out.....Got To Laugh !!!!!!!

Author:  mrdelicious2 [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

I can soooo see that happening. Thanks for nothing. You'll remember him if he comes in again though, still stay the extra 15min...but opps don't have time for your song! MrD

Author:  Karen K [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

It is almost comical when this happens - a whole gang of people are having a really great time, realize I'm about to close down, they come running up saying they'll pay "anything" to have me stay an extra 30 minutes. Bartender even offers to pay me to stay. I say no to the bartender's offer ... let them put their $$$ where their mouth is. Funny how everybody loses interest when i look them in the eye (having already gone over 30 minutes WITHOUT pay) and ask who'll be paying me and how much. "OH GEE! Bartender just called last call! I'll be right back." Yup, that's what I thought.

Sorry, I don't work for free anymore. Oh, and don't hand me a handful of one's - that just won't cut it. Better have "20" in the corner - preferably two or three of them. By the time I've worked all week at a full-time day job and hosted two nights in a row, I'm ready to leave so it takes dollars to sweeten the pot.

Like Dr. Phil is famous for saying, "you teach people how to treat you." If you give it away, they figure that's about what you're worth.

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

For those that say we are willing to pay make them pay up front at the going rate whatever it is if you are getting $125 a night for a 4 hour show then for the extra 30 minutes you should ask a minimum of $35-40 at least I would and will if the occasion ever arises If the cash is not in hand by 1:30 then its off with the music and I'm packing up.

As to the tip for hey let me sing my last song same goes money talks BS walks.

Lone Wolf

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

The truth is I never solicit "bribes" to sing, but in this case since I wasn't hurting anyone elses chance to sing I would have made an exception and take the $10 ==
Lesson LEARNED.. Get it up front !!!!

My fear is some jerk like this giving me $10 and then complaining to the owner that I charged him $10 :twisted: :twisted:

Author:  Bazza [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

This happens to me every Friday night. I just tell the people they have to speak to the bar manager, as she is my boss. Now I know that SHE knows how much an extra hour is and once in a great while she will pay for one or tell them to pass the hat. It has happened, but not very often!

Author:  ScottyMo1 [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

These times are funny. One night I had a guy give me 60.00 to stay over an hour, so his friends could sing. I agreed and his friends turned in one song each. Well I had other singers in the bar that had turned in songs that would not have gotten to sing if I shut down at regular time, so I started a new rotation with his friends being first up. When I called up the third singer and started the song, The big tipper comes up and tells me he doesn't want certain people to sing, and if I let them sing he wants his money back, soooo I reached in my pocket and promptly gave him his money back, stayed the extra hour anyway, and was rewarded by my regulars passing the hat. I told the guy that if he wants a private party, then call me and book one, or have his friends turn in more than one song, or everybody in the place will get to sing to fill the extra hour.
Funny how these big time tippers think they can own you. I'm an entertainer, not a prostitute.

Author:  Karen K [ Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

a-MEN to that brutha. Sometimes people get confused!

Author:  Nlouch [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tale of 2 $10 Tips

I'm an entertainer, not a prostitute

I may well be a bit of both! LOL

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