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State Of The nation
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Author:  karyoker [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  State Of The nation

I encourage you to watch this movie. Then if you are still sitting there wondering why John F Kennedy or Robert Kennedy was assininated then I hope some day you learn the truth. This country is totally controlled by the rich.They control the education system and teach young children not to think and abide by their rules. They control all the wealth and want to control all the pheasants They are evil and why do you think there is genocide or people willing to kill women and children?

This nation is hurting but we do have the strongest military that ever existed. They will defend the constitution of this great nation. It is a sad state of affairs when the military has to take control over the corrupt rich politicians b ut it has reached that point. Wake up America. you can watch full screen whenn you know how..


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