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Allen & Heath Zed Series
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Author:  Micky [ Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Allen & Heath Zed Series

Folks, if you are looking to buy a good mixer and would like to spend under $500.00 and you think Mackie would give you the high fidelity you're looking for, well I suggest you do yourself a favour and go check out the Zed series from Allan & Heath


I've been using a Mackie 1402 VLZ Pro for about 2 years now and I just got this new Zed 14 and let me tell you, I'm speechless :shock: All I did was to disconnect the Mackie, connect the Zed 14, left it on for 2 days and testing time!!

When I bought the Mackie, I compared it with my previous Behringer 1622 FX-Pro and yes, I did get an improvement but now, it's not even funny for that poor Mackie, it's nothing but day and night!!

I come from the world of HI-FI and of course I knew that the best came from the UK so I was kind of hoping I would get the same result here, and I sure did!! I'm really speechless, if not to say blown a way!

Do yourself a treat, go check out the Allen & Heath series before spending on a Mackie :wink:

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

Yeah it's a nice board. I personally do not like the eq on the stereo channels only having a high & low with no mid control - which I use throughout the night for the karaoke tracks. Plus no built in effects - not an issue for me but for someone on a budget, may need that feature & at that price, having to add another $100-150 minimum piece gets pretty spendy.

Author:  LondonLive [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

Hmmmm, seems like I've been singing the praises of the Allen & Heaths forever to anyone that would listen. I'm glad you took the time to give one a listen Micky. You probably figured out what I've been talking about all this time. A system is only as good as it's weakest link and it sure won't be your mixer. I switched to Allen & Heath a few years ago and my only regret is that I didn't switch sooner. They're a bit more expense but well worth it in both performance and resale. Are'nt those Pre-Amps EQ's sweet. Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the club. In my opinion, you shouldn't buy a mixer because it has built in FX or even compression, buy a mixer because it's a good mixer.

Author:  spotlightjr [ Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

Yup, Been singing A&H's praises for a bit now and am thoroughly impressed with the ZED 12FX. I know its not loaded with effects but it does have 16 on board FX which are noticable. I LOVE IT!!

Author:  Dynomyk [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

I've been using the ZED-14 for a couple of months now. It has USB input directly from the PC. Works Great!!! I was initially looking at the Mackie Pro FX-12, but when it was hard to find in stock, I came accross the ZED-14 in my search for a USB mixer. I posted a queary about it in the forum, LondonLive and Lonman both said it was a good mixer so I went for it. I am so glad I got this mixer :D :D :D

It is a little expensive with the adition of a dbx compresser and a lexicon effects processer, but it is WELL worth it IMHO.

Author:  masterblaster [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

Just about to pop for the Mackie. I already have a Lexicon efx processor, plus a dbx compressor. Now I want the A&H. Damn you guys :x Why couldn't you just say it wasn't worth the money :lol: NGAS is a b**ch.

Author:  Micky [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

masterblaster @ Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:03 am wrote:
Just about to pop for the Mackie. I already have a Lexicon efx processor, plus a dbx compressor. Now I want the A&H. gosh darn you guys :x Why couldn't you just say it wasn't worth the money :lol: NGAS is a b**ch.

Trust me, it's worth the money :wink: I got it connected also on a DBX compressor (266xl) and a Lexicon MPX 110. What really amazes me is the sound quality, man it never been easier to calibrate my sound, everything is in place :roll: It looks solid and is built solid. London is right, the mic pre-amp are really amazing, I don't even need my TubePre from Presonus anymore... And about the EQ and the missing mi-range adjustment, not a big thing for me, I'm using a pair of EV-ZX1 for the highs which are very flat so it always comes out very smooth and I do have an external EQ but again, all flat, it just sounds right to me 8)

Yes, you should consider this board over the Mackie in my opinion :wink:

Author:  Micky [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

LondonLive @ Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:29 pm wrote:
Hmmmm, seems like I've been singing the praises of the Allen & Heaths forever to anyone that would listen. I'm glad you took the time to give one a listen Micky. You probably figured out what I've been talking about all this time. A system is only as good as it's weakest link and it sure won't be your mixer. I switched to Allen & Heath a few years ago and my only regret is that I didn't switch sooner. They're a bit more expense but well worth it in both performance and resale. Are'nt those Pre-Amps EQ's sweet. Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the club. In my opinion, you shouldn't buy a mixer because it has built in FX or even compression, buy a mixer because it's a good mixer.

Man, I tell you, you sure know what you've been talking about... It's honestly unfair to compare my Mackie with this, I just hate to say it, but my Mackie should compare with a Behringer, of course Mackie been the better board but not a huge difference in sound, it's more on the quality of the package...

This new A&H is in another class, you really feel like you're entering the high end category. The Brits always been well known for their sound quality and for making good audio equipment. This mixer deserves to have good speakers, so I got it going with a pair of EV-ZX1 for the my highs and a nice active sub, it's a KV2 Audio from the UK :wink: The cables I'm using are all Mogami except for the speakers, it would have cost me way too much for nothing.

I'd say, it's a well balanced equipment for live or studio when using my Diamond 8.2 monitors :D

Author:  gunghouk [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

OK now I'm really confused :shock:

I've been looking to replace my Mackie CFX12 with something better(?) but I can't find anything that comes near to the Mackie it in terms of facilities.

I'm not bothered about onboard FX and gizmos as I have a dbx1046 quad compressor and TC Electronic M3000 FX unit. The ZED-14 has been on my list of possible replacements.

Would this mixer be a real step, up in terms of sound quality, from the Mackie ?

All opinions gratefully received :)

Author:  LondonLive [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

In my opinion, a one word answer would be, yes. Allen & Heaths pre amps and EQ section must be heard to be believed. IMHO they are by far the best sounding mixer in their price range. To me, the Pre Amps have a warmer, more natural sound, while the EQ's are not only accurate but also very responsive. You add this to the exceptional build quality and you have yourself a very nice foundation to build on. Do a side by side comparison if you can, I'm pretty sure you will discover why some of us are loyal users.

Author:  LondonLive [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

Man, I tell you, you sure know what you've been talking about... It's honestly unfair to compare my Mackie with this, I just hate to say it, but my Mackie should compare with a Behringer, of course Mackie been the better board but not a huge difference in sound, it's more on the quality of the package...

Thanx Micky, it's good to know that all my typing doesn't go totally unnoticed. I don't speak up very often, but when I do it is generally because I think there are better options or perhaps I think someone might be getting nudged down the wrong road. once again, congratulations on your newest arrival, I'm sure you will find even more reasons to love it as you learn it's abilities.

Author:  Micky [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

gunghouk @ Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:37 am wrote:
OK now I'm really confused :shock:

I've been looking to replace my Mackie CFX12 with something better(?) but I can't find anything that comes near to the Mackie it in terms of facilities.

I'm not bothered about onboard FX and gizmos as I have a dbx1046 quad compressor and TC Electronic M3000 FX unit. The ZED-14 has been on my list of possible replacements.

Would this mixer be a real step, up in terms of sound quality, from the Mackie ?

All opinions gratefully received :)

I cannot speak for others but when I replaced my Mackie 1402 VLZ-Pro with this A&H, I honestly didn't expect such a huge improvement :roll: Others can correct me if I'm wrong, but I would think that your CFX12 have a similar sound to my 1402, if that's the case, you would see a major improvement, more than going from Behringer to Mackie, it's a complete new clean, smooth and very detail sound!!

I also noticed that you're from the UK, well, you'd be encouraging a home product :wink:

Give it a try, it's exactly how London described, all the instruments are in place and yes, the mic pre-amps are amazing, even my cheap Shure PG-58 sounds pretty good :roll: Imagine how my better mics can sound!!

Author:  gunghouk [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

I done it ! Ordered the ZED 14 today, UK price £230 with shipping, sweet :P

It's a demo unit but still as new.

Should have it for Saturday's gig....drool....

I'll let you know how it compares to the CFX12 :D

Author:  Micky [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

gunghouk @ Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:17 am wrote:
I done it ! Ordered the ZED 14 today, UK price £230 with shipping, sweet :P

It's a demo unit but still as new.

Should have it for Saturday's gig....drool....

I'll let you know how it compares to the CFX12 :D

Cool! Yes please, let us know :wink:

I finally decided to try the USB connection last night, again, I'm impressed!! I've been using an EMU-1212m with Mogami cables but now, I might stay in USB, it does sound better with my AKG headphones but the real test is tonight with the sub & the EV :wink:

I don't know if you're aware, but the board is impressively big compared to the Mackie, make some room...

Author:  Zonerc [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

is the zed 12 more or less the same mixer as the zed 14 but with effects and are the effects up to scratch for using in karaoke?

Author:  Zonerc [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

is the zed 12 more or less the same mixer as the zed 14 but with effects and are the effects up to scratch for using in karaoke?
and being that im still waiting after a week for the behringer mdx4600 compressor do or think i be better leaving that for now and be better off changing my behringer mixer 1832fx for the zed 12 or the 14 with an external fx ,although i wouldnt have any idea what external fx to buy with in a low budget after paying for the zed.

Author:  spotlightjr [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

The zed 12 and 14 are pretty much the same minus the effects. The effects are awesome and truly worth the price. 16 different effects are on board and all can be adjusted to fit any size room, etc. Google allen and heath zed and do some research. You will be amazed once you get this damn thing!

Author:  Zonerc [ Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

cheers spotlightjr but wiil it be worth dumping my 6 month old behringer 1832fx and not having the behringer mdx4600 compressor as i wouldnt be able to afford both .

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

zonerc @ Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:54 pm wrote:
cheers spotlightjr but wiil it be worth dumping my 6 month old behringer 1832fx and not having the behringer mdx4600 compressor as i wouldnt be able to afford both .


Author:  Zonerc [ Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allen & Heath Zed Series

thanks lonman .
im close to being kicked out by the wife if i spend much more money but i want to get it right

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