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Tenth Avenue Freezeout
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Author:  TOMMIE TUNES [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Tenth Avenue Freezeout

After hearing Bruce Springsteen rock the house at the Super Bowl with this song I would like to add this to the songs that I sing, but I don't want to get a Lousy version. I would prefer one that uses real Horns in the arrangement. Soundchoice used to make a version of it but it appears that it is no longer available. Sweet Georgia Brown made a version as did All Hits which is probably one in the same, and Legends also makes a version. Opinions are Requested if anyone has this song. Thank You! :?:

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

All Hits & SGB are definitely both the same. Not too bad actually, probably one of their better versions although still a little midified. The Legends isn't too bad & actually has a fuller sound compared to the other.
http://selectatrack.com/Search.aspx?Typ ... =freezeout
Hear a sample here.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

Yup, I have All Hits, SGB, Legends, Karaoke Party ( Madacy), and Sound Choice. I'd go with the Legends.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

I prefer the Sound Choice version.

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

agreed! SC rocks in this song!

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

However the Sound Choice version is no longer available - hasn't been for a while, so that leaves the other alternatives.

Author:  Bill H. [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

I have it in SGB and Legends. Never played either until now.

Between these SGB is more accurate. Springsteen was trying for a retro sound on this cut even back in the 70s... trying for that Stax-Volt vibe from the late 60s. Legends sounds too modern.

SGB is probably using a programmed rhythm track (there's a couple of machine gun drum fills), and the horns may actually be sampled (I don't hear any dynamic builds), but none of that would matter to me if I were singing this in a club because it still sounds good. You'd never hear it's flaws in the room.

In fact I might if I get a shot at a turn tonight. Now that I've got it stuck in my head.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

The Sound Choice version is outstanding. The Disk number is SC8724, and while no longer available from Sound Choice directly a simple Google search reveals several online retailer that still have it in stock.

Problem solved. :D

All Hits and Sweet Georgia Brown are too midi-fied IMHO. Legends is satisfactory.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

Being a BRUCE FAN 4 LIFE, I just had to listen to all seven versions of this song that I have to give a complete review.

1) Sound Choice. Just the closest to the original IMHO.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6) All Hits, SGB, Magic Tracks, HSPAK, and Ultrasonic. These all seem to be pretty much the same track. Very singable versions

7) Legends. Many many lyrical mistakes and it doesn't sound like the original, from the Born To Run album, at all. It sounds more like something that would have been done from a live version at a concert, which isn't all bad. Sometimes it's fun to try a different version of a song. Sounds like Clarence Clemons left his good saxophones at home for this recording though.

Author:  Bill H. [ Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

BruceFan4Life @ Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:27 pm wrote:

7) Legends. Sounds like Clarence Clemons left his good saxophones at home for this recording though.

Yeah you really can't hear the horns at all. Same with Roy's signature piano riff. And the clean Tele (done either by Bruce or Stevie) is replaced with a Les Paul run through a Marshall. The whole track is bathed in too much reverb to discern much of anything.

I actually opened last night with the SGB version. It sounded great I thought. The flaws I could pick out here at home weren't even noticeable once the track was run through the big system in the ambiance of the club.

If I were to ever sing this in another room I wouldn't mind at all if the SGB version is what the host offered. I probably won't do it again in my home room. They are mostly too young to recognize it. It didn't go over.

And that was my only chance to sing. Oh well.

Author:  P Tucker [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenth Avenue Freezeout

I think that was the only good song that Bruce did in the SuperBowl show! He seemed worn out or maybe drunk? Could barely catch his breath in between verses! I've been like that before! LMAO

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