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One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?
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Author:  Michaelangelo1 [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?


I am relatively new to the KJ business, and I was wondering how many songs you allow each singer to sing (at a time) each round. I have been to several shows where singers sing 2 (sometimes 3) songs each time they are up. The KJs at these shows think it gives the singers more "air time" and they prefer mutliple songs for each singer. I have even had prospective businesses ask about it for shows we host.

I strongly prefer a single song per singer each round for several reasons:
1) It promotes more variety
2) Bad singers are more tolerable in small doses
3) It promotes people staying around longer (for example, if someone wanted to sing 2 songs, they would have to stay at least 2 rounds before they could leave)
4) My software (Siglos) is designed to be used for one song at a time, and it is a little counter-intuitive to set it up for multiple songs per singer per round.

I would be interested in hearing you responses on this topic. Maybe there are some reasons I should be for multiple songs instead of against them.

Thanks as always!

Author:  Wiggly Dave [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

Usually one at a time for me...unless its especially quiet,say early in the evening and most of the singers havent come in yet...

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

a little two generic to use as a poll, in my opinion. Depends on how many singers you have... as a customer I'd hate to be sitting there for over an hour waiting while a singer got multiple songs, one after the other...

If you DO want to do multiple songs at a time, you can use different software, such as winamp based karaoke, hoster, compuhost, clubdjpro, and others where you just enqueue the songs!

Author:  Bill H. [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

I prefer one song per round for all the reasons you gave. But if the club had a history of multiples, that's what the singers were used to, and rotation was sufficiently short most of the night I'd keep an open mind.

I use the Siglos player and often drop more than one song per singer in it's playbox. Not so they can sing them both together. So they can choose if I'm uncertain what they want that round.

I don't clear the playlist so I can confirm rotation if the slips get messed with. And in that playlist you can go anywhere with a double-click.

Author:  Spotted Cat [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

I usually have too many singers to do more than one per rotation. However, if I only had a couple singers, why not.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

I have been to more than 200 different karaoke shows across the country. I have only seen two-fers a few times. Most times this is a reaction to few singers, and won't happen if there is a big rotation.

A couple of shows (two in Cincy, one in Homestead FL) had it institutionalized on their non-weekend nights.

I usually only do one per round. But I go from round to round without "music breaks", which I think kill karaoke shows..

Author:  karyoker [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

Two fers in first round with small rotation.

Two traditions I have If it is somebodies birthday they get a shot from the tab and get two fers one time. If it is a non singers birthday same deal only they get 1 dance of their choice but they do have to dance. That way people reserve tables and have their parties there.

Sometimes if they are in a wheel chair we give them a two fer. Hope this gives you some ideas.

Author:  fsapienjr [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

Thankfully I have only been slow enough to do two songs in a row per person once.
That was only for the first hour, also. Don't think two songs is a good practice, but like I said, was slow enough to do once.

Felix the KJ

Author:  Dr Fred [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Song Or Two (or More) At A Time?

If I have less than a 4-5 singers it is usually because they have not arrived yet.

I have often had only 4 singers at the start of a rotation that ends up being 20 singers long. If I tried to go two songs per singer it is ratre that I could go through a full rotation without problems.

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