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New venue Is Kickin'....
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Author:  diafel [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  New venue Is Kickin'....

I can't believe it, but 3 weeks in and we're a HUGE hit!
The last place, the one with the smelley dungeon-like atmosphere, was takinfg forever to build a clientele, but this place, in the same town, with a much better atmoshphere, has taken pretty much 2 weeks to get going. Already the owner is ecstatic with the sales take at the end of the night.
Even I am impressed with the speed with which it's built up.
Not to toot my own horn here, but I guess I can honestly say that I've truly put my money where my mouth is.
But even I couldn't have anticipated how fast it's grown!

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