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rsq player
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Author:  voyager [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  rsq player

rsq neo e500, any one else had this problem plays dvds perfect as soon as you load cd or cdg disc message comes up "no disc"

thanks voyager

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: rsq player

yeah, that's what you get for getting a proprietary player.

I avoided the E500, Cavs, etc...

the more you mix up the pipes, the easier it is to stop up the plumbling!

Sorry for your loss... sounds like the control mechanism is failing, and all it's seeing is the default (DVD)... sounds like you either need a new one, or to get that one serviced.

many times your cheapo dvd players can recognize the cdg discs... My $30 memorex from walmart does!

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