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Speakers AND Monitors?
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Author:  smiles57 [ Thu Jan 29, 2004 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Speakers AND Monitors?


Thanks to this forum, I've started my home system.

I currently have an Audio2000 AKJ7000 mixing amp. I have 2 inputs as well...a cdg/dvd player (which I rarely use) and a laptop with a subscription to streamkaraoke.com. I also have a tape deck for output for practicing purposes only.

I use 2 shure mics...one sm-58 and one pg-58 (I'll probably pick up a third at some point).

Temporarily, I'm using a set of inexpensive Vidsonix MT-B80 personal stage monitors as my sole set of speakers. These things aren't too bad, but I believe I've already blown a tweeter (when trying to record something...hit play-record and smoke came out of the horn hole...the company is going to replace it for me free of charge).

Here are the specs on the monitors...

- Steel grill protector for woofer.
- 8" High Output (Long Throw) Woofer with laminated/treated cone and high temperature voice coil.
- High Efficiency 3" mid-range with mesh cover.
- 3" horn tweeter (piezo) for ultra-high frequency reproduction.
- 100 Watts (r.m.s.)/ 200 Watts (program/music).
- Size: 15" x 10" x 10.5"
- 6 ohms
- Frequency Response: 50~22KHz
- SPL: 92 +/-2 dB

Anyway, I'm thinking I need to get a set of speakers to suppliment my current system. There is a place in the mixing amp for another set. Can I do this? Should I do this? Is there anything special I need to know in order to do this? I know this forum suggested Carvin 805's as a nice, inexpensive, yet practical solution. Can I use both at once? Or should I stick with the same brand?

Any help is appreciated!


Author:  Kobey [ Thu Jan 29, 2004 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Smiles, the best advice I can give you is to stay away from anything with a piezo tweeter. You will get much better sound from a compression titanium driver.

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