This is a note to all the Newbies looking to get started in "the business"
PAY attention to what the experienced KJ's and Audio Techs
here have to say..... (Lonman/Sammy/Brian etc. )
Becuase of problems with my inexpensive Behringer Powered Mixer I had the opportunity to use my OTHER amp which is my PEAVEY PV1200 which was in storage awaiting the purchase of a MACKIE mixer. But against my judgement I used it anyway with my vocopro mixer.
I had forgotten how GOOD and CLEAN sounding that amp was. I actually had people coming up to me and comment on the sound.

It was refreshing. NOT that people complained about the sound with the Behriner. But IT WASN'T THE SAME...So the lesson is this You CAN get by with less expesnive equipment and make a living ..For how long..THATS A GAMBLE .....If you're serious about being a KJ spend some money .doesn't have to be a GAZILLION DOLLARS ..Just take some good advice from the people here and stay with the TOP MANUFACTURES when buying Pro-Audio equipment.....Thanks to all !!!!!