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 Post subject: Sing It Now! Brand CDGs
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:09 pm 
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I came across this brand of CDG at Best Buy recently. Monthly pop, rock, urban and country releases, in the 9+9 format like PHM. Sampled few of the urban tracks and they sounded okay to me (then again, the music in much of the urban material is rather sparse IMO). I did some web searching and could find nothing on this brand, even at bestbuy.com. In very fine print is printed SIN Records - that turned up a Spanish label/site in my search.

Does anyone know of them or have any experience with them? They cost $9.99 each and contain very recent material.

Sounds Great! Entertainment
Bartlett, Illinois

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:25 pm 
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I haven't heard of them. Marty. I've just noticed that any CDG's you can get at Best Buy, or any of the other major chain stores, all cater to the home crowd and are usually lousy.

I bought a couple at tower records, I think they were produced by BCI, and they were a joke.

Oh well...you get what you pay for. :)


Ps. Thanks a bunch for posting your excel file; you did a GREAT job on it! :D I am still researching the songbook software, but if I end up using Excel you can bet I'll be using your template!

Twinbrook Sound
Waltham, MA

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:59 pm 
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Patrick, I have to disagree with that. I've also seen Best Buy and Circuit City (and probably a few other Chain-stores out there) selling Party Tyme CDGs. A lot of people seem to like this brand. Personally, I don't care for Party Tyme. They did a lot of re-mixes.

But, I also have to agree with you as well. Most stores (like Best Buy), only carry the cheaper/est brands of CDGs. They're a "Jack-of-all-Trades" type store, but "Master-of-None."

As for that other brand... Sorry, can't help ya. Never heard of "Sing it Now."

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 Post subject: Sing it Now Karaoke
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:24 pm 
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I've tried one of the country disks. For $10 bucks I was very impressed with the sound. The music sounds just like what you hear on the radio or your CD's. For $10 bucks you're getting a pretty good disc. My usual Karaoke DJ was even impresed with it.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:25 pm 
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I use sing it now! and have had no problem with quality or the sound don't always judge a disc because of who sells them. The musicl accompaniment is out of this world and would recommend to anyone who wants to purchase inexpensive karaoke :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:10 pm 

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I use them too...I get them at the local Walmart for $14.95 CDN...much better deal compared to PHM/THM which are the same quality, but cost $34.95 CDN.
By the way hey there everybody...I'm Cathy!


Cathy Vaughan

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:26 pm 
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OH Yes, Most retail stores stock Inferior cdg's like Performers Choice. Uh Uh Uh wait a minute, Performers Choice is Sound Choice, Go figure.

The Karaoke underdog always sings before he fights. What does that mean? I don't have a clue. Draw your own conclusions.
Just don't put me last in the rotation.

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