Brian et al ~
I would like to apologize to you and those others who have requested to be notified of new postings to a topic. When I delete a post that was submitted (reasons to be explained further below) the deletion is done after the post and therefore you may have already been advised of a new post. I do not know a way around this.
Now the reason for the deletions:
Apparently some people have nothing better to do than go around joining forums and making rude remarks. There were several people who joined this forum for that purpose. Shotgun (aka WheresShotGun & FreeShotgun), Noodles, stavross, to name a few. These people have been blocked from the forums and Singer's Showcase.
This is an open Forum and as you know we allow many topics and posts however, when this is done to be destructive or slanderous, not only do I find it personally offensive but it consumes a large part of my day to weed out these individuals.
I try my best to be discriminate and open minded in my decisions as to what is allowed and what is not.
Brian, I too receive emails daily my numbers are staggering - somewhere between 500 - 1500! Many are with regards to Karaoke Scene and its' sub-sites. Many of course are SPAM (30% to be conservative)
I understand your frustrations. However, I will continue to do what I can to maintain the integrity of this site and the forums.
Phill (aka Big Brother