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Computer Question
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Author:  karyoker [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Computer Question

This is for the gurus on here like mckyj57 and others. I know that service packs are very important and should be added when available because the software developers are including them in their updates.

Here is the question.. Most of the windows auto updates are security related and  are not applicable. With a DAW how important is it to do regular updates?  I know the only ones that would apply would be efficiency or data base related.

For years I did not put my DAW online but I do now with Zonealarm and behind a wireless connection..  Thoughts?

Author:  Micky [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

I'm no gurus but I'll give my thoughts...

I personally find it very important to always keep your OS system updated and would also include your DAW. BUT, hardware drivers should NEVER be install from the Windows update site but from the manufacture site. Audio & video drivers from the Windows site will often make the system crash or create bugs.

Just my thoughts...

Author:  karyoker [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

Thanks Mickey.. You are one of the others I had in mind.. Very good advice!!

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

karyoker @ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:08 pm wrote:
This is for the gurus on here like mckyj57 and others. I know that service packs are very important and should be added when available because the software developers are including them in their updates.

Here is the question.. Most of the windows auto updates are security related and  are not applicable. With a DAW how important is it to do regular updates?  I know the only ones that would apply would be efficiency or data base related.

For years I did not put my DAW online but I do now with Zonealarm and behind a wireless connection..  Thoughts?

You will be very safe behind the wireless router and it's NAT. The Zonealarm is OK too, but your primary line of defense is that wireless router. It will intercept all attempts to connect to your system from outside.

Other points:

 1. Make sure you change the default password for the web admin on your
 wireless router. Usually you can't reach it from outside, but there
 have been some vulnerabilities.
 2. Don't set up any "pass-through" ports on the wireless router unless
 you know exactly what you are putting on line.
 3. Use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
 4. Get AdAware and Spybot S&D and run them periodically.
 5. Get ClamWin or some other anti-virus, I guess, but that would be
 less of a priority. You should never find any if the rest of this
 stuff works.
 6. Keep updating the system periodically with all security updates. It
 can be auto or just every so often -- you are not likely to have
 problems, but it is a good idea to update from time to time.
 7. Don't visit too many random web sites that might have links to porn
 stuff (like karaoke-forum.com, sigh).
 8. Make sure any other computers on your wireless/wired network, i.e.
 behind the same wireless router, are held to the same standards.
 Zonealarm will help with this, but if you have an infected machine on
 the same internal network you have a much higher risk of infection.

If you do all that, your risk will be very, very small.

Author:  karyoker [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

7. Don't visit too many random web sites that might have links to porn
stuff (like karaoke-forum.com, sigh).

Then I guess warez and hastela vista are totally out of the question!!! LMAO  LMAO

Author:  exweedfarmer [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

D.A.W. as in digital audio workstation?  Or did I miss something new again.... I do that a lot these days.

Author:  jerry12x [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

Updates are a very silly 2 part scinario.
1) Oops I really screwed that one up.
Quick superman outfit change. Hey download this MS update.
It will fix our embarising screw up.

2) How many Billions are we loosing by counterfit or similar.
If they download this update, we will GET THEM...

We neen to pay off our monopolies fine somehow.

I happen to work with corporates as an engineer.
I use their corporate xp on my own system.
Does that make me a thief , a moralist, a beta testa or an oportunist... Other

MS has continuously released buggy windows and got away with it.
If FORD release a buggy car........

What is it with Microsoft that states WE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT.
At least Linux is stable.

Yes updates are important. It not only covers their mistakes, but blockes the discovered hacks from very clever people. (Often Russian) Not a predjudice. Simply a fact.

Author:  jerry12x [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

Is it because I come from Liverpool England that no further post was made.
Couldnt be that I'm a ...........
could it.

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

D.A.W. as in digital audio workstation?

Yup. my system comp is totally stripped of all background and unnecessary services. Audio boards are given priority with lower irq assignment and all resources are geared for audio.


Author:  jerry12x [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

Brave man.

Author:  exweedfarmer [ Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

karyoker @ Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:58 pm wrote:
D.A.W. as in digital audio workstation?

Yup. my system comp is totally stripped of all background and unnecessary services. Audio boards are given priority with lower irq assignment and all resources are geared for audio.


In that case my advise on service packs etc. would be a resounding "NO!"  If it ain't broke don't fix it.  That is, if you're not one of those who has to change software every month or so.

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

In that case my advise on service packs etc. would be a resounding "NO!"  If it ain't broke don't fix it.  That is, if you're not one of those who has to change software every month or so.

That is my 'gut' feeling too but it seems the software and hardware developers have a way to progress where constant updates are needed and the old stuff dont work. I started out with a 650MB CPU 256mb of ram and was doing shows. I did have problems with audio dropouts when recording. Now it's a 3.2 gig with 800 fsb and a gig of memory. All I am doing is playing music and putting low res graphics on the screen. I can record a whole show with every singer if I want.  The flipping computer is taking more power than the mixer and everything else in the rack combined. The power supply takes a fan the cpu takes a fan and there is an exhaust fan for the case. I am hunting ducks with a sherman tank.  LMAO See wat I mean Weed?

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Computer Question

If you are connected to the Internet at all, it really is kind of important to keep up to date. There are remote vulnerabilities that can cause your computer to be 0wn3d, particularly if you have other suspect Windows computers on the same network.

Despite the bad press, Microsoft is not really all that bad at introducing updates that cause problems for real common programs. I am no Microsoft fanboy, believe me, but I update my computers regularly for the above reasons.

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