7 karaoke systems in my main karaoke company I just manage the company.. and do maybe 3-4 shows now a month with this new year.. with 1 system being a "personal system" that gets used as an "overflow/small live system".
I'm also a minor working investor in a medium sized regional audio touring audio company that has 15 units live.
4 systems are now capible of doing 50,000 seats and smaller I personally own one of those systems out right. (it went up for sale it was just listed in a trade with a broker this was time to upgrade to another brand to be compatable with the other systems..)
I also Consult Dance Clubs and Karaoke clubs and KJ's on needs and
equipment durability issues on a one to one basis. and get this 81% of my shows made a profit this year.
I gained 22 one time clients. all did show a profit. my personal shows had a rough year, most of them in new clubs.
Also my personal recording studio took a big hit this year too. but that was due to expenses. and 3 moves.
I also sing live professionally.
Hope that helps ya.