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non-stop music CD's ???
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Author:  MustangMarty [ Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  non-stop music CD's ???

Sometimes I'm not sure if my clientele want a DJ or a KJ. :? Last night I ran myself ragged trying to pull CDG's that had vocals as filler music between singers. :roll: I went to Hastings today and found Ultimate Country Party and Ultimate Country Party 2 to fall back on of it happens again. I really like these two CD's because the music is upbeat. However, what I like most about them is that ARISTA ran the songs together end to end throughout the entire CD so that there is NOT EVEN A SECOND of quiet between the songs. Does anyone one know of any other titles I should look for to find more Country discs like this? Also some other genres as well like R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop, Rock would help me out too. :wink:

Author:  Big Mike [ Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know about non-stop, but I carry some of the "Now That's What I Call..." series discs with me. They come in a variety of genres, pop, rock, country, etc. They are also starting to put out DVDs as well if you have a player that will accomodate it and if you want to add video to your show. Sometimes it's nice to mix them in.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 


Don't do the thing with the karaoke discs with multiplex or with vocals.

Instead, just tell your regulars something like "-, for you guys to sing"

If they want cd music, have a second player going with a good selection, and fade it in and out between the singers. I have some music vcds that I play sometimes that gives the audience some "eye candy" onscreen...

My thoughts only,


Author:  Guest [ Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have some of the Old lasers that had dance and industrial on them as well as early techno on them with some real psychotic video effects that I Bought from a club I mixed at before they went under. I have taken them out a few times this was before the VHS & beta versions came out. And I still Carry my mix music on CD and in my PC. PIONEER THANK YOU for your 800 & 1000 series cd players!! with the "vinyl" turntable features!! :D I honestly would rather mix myself personally.. that way I can custom taylor the night to the mood of the room, and whatever the house wants to hear, until they want to sing.

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