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Author:  karyoker [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Bass

There are many misconceptions even on prosoundweb about bass. If you ever have stood on a frozen lake and heard a crack in the ice from a half a mile off and heard sound from 100 to 500 cycles at the same volume then you have experienced sound transmission from the low frequency aspect. Ice is one of the most hardened even more than hard woods in a dance floor. Bass is not realized by auditory means but is felt by skeletal vibrations.In a small venue with small speakers bass travels all the way across the room. To transmitt bass through a crowd and large distances and thick carpets it takes about 3-4 times the power of the highs. Most adjust their systems by ear for a balance between bass and highs. BASS IS NOT HEARD IT IS FELT. It is not easy sometimes to attain the balance in large venues. However if you have ever heard a teen going by with a large stereo in his car all you ever heard was bass. It goes around corners and penetrates walls. The lows cause more problems in recording studios and live performances than anything else. A large bass (on the floor) which moves more air actually puts more vibrations in the floor..Conditions such as carpet and heavy crowds affect bass more than anything else. A typical well adjusted professional  system does not require adjustments or EQ above bass frequencies except in worst case conditions.

Author:  Karen K [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

Interestingly, my trusty sub wasn't functioning right at my gig last Friday so I ran system around it - system still sounds fabulous but I did MISS that bass feeling...and it is a feeling, not a sound, for sure.


Author:  jerry12x [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

Like God. It's Omnipresent.

Author:  jreynolds [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

THE major reason i never used subwoofers at a karaoke venue. Never had a HUGE venue or need for them. The mackie 450s always did a nice job of providing enough.

But on DJ jobs -especially corporate- ya need one or two in a ballroom.

"A feeling" i agree...a feeling of a big headache and backache when you try to pick up an 18-inch sub without bending your knees!! LOL  LOL

Author:  Jian [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

jreynolds @ 4th February 2008, 12:35 am wrote:
THE major reason i never used subwoofers at a karaoke venue. Never had a HUGE venue or need for them. The mackie 450s always did a nice job of providing enough.

But on DJ jobs -especially corporate- ya need one or two in a ballroom.

"A feeling" i agree...a feeling of a big headache and backache when you try to pick up an 18-inch sub without bending your knees!! LOL  LOL

I can't even move them an inch.  LOL And for outdoor live gig we use 6 of them. We don't even need them for indoor if it is just karaoke.

Author:  jreynolds [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

6 of them outdoors!? I guess you use handtrucks..or cheap laborers! LOL

You're up and online early Jian. I'm usually the only one online this time.

I rarely get to talk or fight with anyone :(.........:)

Author:  Jian [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

jreynolds @ 4th February 2008, 12:51 am wrote:
6 of them outdoors!? I guess you use handtrucks..or cheap laborers! LOL

You're up and online early Jian. I'm usually the only one online this time. You guys in Cali are 3 hours ahead and the east coast 5 hours ahead.

I rarely get to talk or fight with anyone :(.........:)

The band boys are young and strong and they have a big following= free labor.

Its is 1250am here in Malaysia, and this is my last post for the night; need to sleep.

Author:  jreynolds [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

oops! Thought you said somewhile ago you were in california- sorry! G'nite!  :D

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

World time has always confused the h&^% out of me. Jrenolds post showed 12:50 am Jian said its 12:50 am there right now in co its 10:10 am. (Sun)or for reference lets say 9:50 am....??????

Author:  jreynolds [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass

karyoker @ Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:11 am wrote:
World time has always confused the h&^% out of me. Jrenolds post showed 12:50 am Jian said its 12:50 am there right now in co its 10:10 am. (Sun)or for reference lets say 9:50 am....??????

Ollie, as far as Malaysia where Jian is, (Cambodia?)  I too, don't know the time there.

What I do know is i'm in Hawaii, and the west coast is 3 hours ahead of me. The east coast is 5 hours ahead this time of year.

I usually read y'alls post long after most have gone to bed. :)

Right now the 'scene-clock' says it's 816pm, but my clock here reads 616pm, so the 'scene' headquarters MUST be somewhere in the pacific ocean, one hour from the coast of california!! LMAO  Does that clear it up for ya?!

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