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Party Help
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Author:  joy5022003 [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Party Help

So on Monday I am hosting the Clark County Tavern Leagues Christmas Party. This is kinda a big deal for specially consindering my current job situation lol.
I do know at least a couple bartenders who are planning to attend who sing which is nice.I don't want to just DJ all night, or sing all night.
I am afraid I am out of practice on geting people to sing lol.
any suggestions??

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

joy5022003 @ Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:53 am wrote:
So on Monday I am hosting the Clark County Tavern Leagues Christmas Party. This is kinda a big deal for specially consindering my current job situation lol.
I do know at least a couple bartenders who are planning to attend who sing which is nice.I don't want to just DJ all night, or sing all night.
I am afraid I am out of practice on geting people to sing lol.
any suggestions??

It's a little too late for my main suggestion -- make sure karaoke is prominently featured in the flyer / announcement. That way the people who want to sing will show up ready to do so.

The next thing you can do is ask around about who *can* sing. Find those people and invite them to do so.

Other than that, your best bet is kids. And sometimes the kids can inspire grownups.

Finally, I like to say:

  "I have at my disposal the gravest threat that any karaoke host can make. It is that I know 200 songs, and I am prepared to sing them all, one after another."

That has gotten some people to start looking at the books!

Author:  Karen K [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

If you have bumper music capability, I'd put on a compilation of stuff that people love to sing along to - Margaritaville, Brown-Eyed Girl, some well known country stuff if that's the thing in your area - that will usually carry over pretty well - people will be inspired to sing.  I will often put on one of the karaoke versions of those songs and ask a group of people to join me on stage to 'help me' sing it. Other thing is the songs that people will respond to in the song - like Fam Tradition, Mony Mony, etc.  It's usually pretty easy to find the people in the crowd who may be a little more extroverted and might get a kick out of providing the inspiration.

If you don't know these people, it might be a little more difficult, so you should bring in some ringers yourself if you can.

Those'd be my immediate suggestions...will provide more as I think of them if necessary.


Author:  Flipper [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

Seems a little late for a Christmas Party.....In January and all....so Christmas Songs would probably be out of the question.

If you have some Sound Choice Star Discs in the Party Tunes format these are songs that usually motivate people to dance and sing along. Play the Vocal Demo Tracks so they can see and hear the words. They will begin singing in their seats to the music. If this is a Tavern crowd then this will probably be held in an environment where alcohol will be consumed. You will need to play some filler tunes and wait for some consumption to occur, then announce several times that you have karaoke available and encourage them to look up their favorite tune or "Group Tune" and you will help them get started.

It's always cool if you have a couple of ringers that will encourage participation. The 2 bartenders are your best bet.

If all else fails, I offer up a challenge to those who have never attempted karaoke before. I have a perfect song for them and it only has one word. That song is "Tequila" this will usually get them going.

Be prepared to play some filler music before it all takes off, and some in-between.

Don't worry! These things have a way of working out just fine. Be patient and you will probably be pleasantly suprised at how many of the tavern folks will jump in.

Author:  joy5022003 [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

Yea I thought about bringing a few of my regular singers...but this is srtictly for tavern owners and their bartenders. Believe me there are a couple good singers I would love to bring. And because of the format no need for flyers lol, I would have them everywhere.

I will definately try to find out if there are some singers there. I am hoping to see a few bar owners I know who like to sing. I find sometimes they get shy when in fr\ont of their peers but I am hoping not.

Thanx for the suggestions... I am not usually nervous....

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

Make a small investment... Buy the bar a couple rounds. Then they'll ALL be up singing;)


Author:  joy5022003 [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

Make a small investment... Buy the bar a couple rounds. Then they'll ALL be up singing;)

no worries there lol diner and drinks are on the house!

Author:  Flipper [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

LMAO You will be fine then! Once the social lubricant hit's them they will be like silly putty in your hands LMAO

Just be sure and dangle the books in front of them.

Another way to get involvement is to have the women sing "MEN" and the men to sing the song "Women" The men will get into it...trust me LOL

Also a good group song like "Summer Nights" with women on one side and men on the other will be a hit also.

Author:  joy5022003 [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

Just wanted to let you all know that last night went really well!!! They had a rafle and I donated a free night of Karaoke which everyone thought was real nice. As a mater a fact had a few bar owners ask why I couldn't have rigged it for them to win lol. Got some nice hits on jobs and a couple definates. All in all a great night.

Author:  Kuelman1 [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

Congrats. All that worry for nothing.   :wave:

Author:  supercharged [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Party Help

I frequently tell patrons that if they dont sing I will. or the more you sign up the less I sing. if im not getting many singers at my regular shows I start trying new songs..not always songs Im sure I should sing.

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