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Sound Choice CDG's
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Author:  TracyTunz [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Sound Choice CDG's

Hello!  I have Compuhost on my laptop and have been successful at ripping most my karaoke cdg's except for Sound Choice....how do I get around that???  Help please and thank youu!!!!

Author:  Dr Fred [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Most of the Sound Choice Cds should rip normally but for a small number of CDs, Soundchoice used a technique called mediacloq which is a copy protection technology. For those cds with medicloq the ripping program will start and show no progress for several hours.

The CDs with mediaqcloq are very hard if not impossible to rip. They were limited to about 20-30 cds around number # 8710.

For the other Sound Choice cds they should be normally ripable. A problem might be occuring on other Sound Choice cds because of a brief "autorun" program that directs you to the sound choice websites. That should be easy to overcome and rip. I personally use power CD+G burner to rip my cds and I have had no problems on over 100 SC disks, and given up on 1 disk with mediacloq.

Author:  Micky [ Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Microstudio will rip these SC disk, once you see it hangs, just cancel and the extraction is completed :D

Author:  TracyTunz [ Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Thank you Dr.Fred and Micky....I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help.....funny thing is, go figure the first cdg I try to burn is a Sound Choice up in the 8700's which would be the one that doesn't work...lol!  Your are an awesome help and now I can continue the full funtime rippin' of the cdg's into the new laptop!!!

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

tnttotaltunz @ Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:53 pm wrote:
Thank you Dr.Fred and Micky....I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help.....funny thing is, go figure the first cdg I try to burn is a Sound Choice up in the 8700's which would be the one that doesn't work...lol!  Your are an awesome help and now I can continue the full funtime rippin' of the cdg's into the new laptop!!!

Some of the Sound Choice discs between 8700-8735 were encoded with their copy protection & cannot be imported into any format (supposedly).  Tricerasoft CDG ripper I used to import these into a useable bin file which I then imported into Hoster.  Now graned the drive has to be COMPLETELY cdg compatible, not just on a couple programs.  It will also take an hour to almost 3 hours to import 1 disc.

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Lonnie, not only that range, but during the time of the Mediacloq fiasco, they also reprinted popular discs that were out of print during that time with the dreaded fallen snowman.

I had a couple of discs like 70's & 80's, a few out of the foundation, etc... all done that way!

Author:  sw00000p [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

I ripped the SC Mediacloq Discs effortlessly with CDGFix.
It Decodes them just like it Decodes the NCG files. Quickly!
It also contains De-Interleaving... No Special Drive Needed!


Author:  Catseyeview [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Wow, very interesting sw00000p!  Gonna haveta try that because I have way too many MediaCloq discs, a worthless piece of nonsense if ya ask me.

Cheers darlin'!   :hug:

Author:  Dr Fred [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Do any of the Freware cdg rippers rip the mediacloq disks? Kinda hard for me to justify buying another cdg ripper for a single disk that I bought on a sale for $6 (probably because it had the mediacloq).  LOL

CDGfix and Microstudio are not free (about $50) and that is a bit much to save 1 disk. Does the freeware CDGfix demo work? I alredy paid for one cdg ripper that has worked ok for the other 499 disks....

Author:  sw00000p [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's


CDGFix is more like $70.00  Don't buy it just for ripping.
Sorry the DEMO has many limitaions.
Many basic features comphrehendable by the Novice computer user.
Ripping, Combining different formats and Exporting them, Trim Songs,
Repair Spots, Out of Sync, Change Colors, Write ID3 Tags, Songbook...
And So Much More
Piece of Cake.

WARNING: Have your ASPI layer in Order.
Roxbox thinks they're the only one who can Decode JB199 Files. (NCG to Mp3+G)
This Baby is Advanced!

Get R' Done,

Author:  karaoke for food..... [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

The new MTU Microstudio software 4.005 will rip any karaoke disc, in any format, with any copyright protection. Not a Sound Choice disc manufactured that i can't write a "Backup" disc for. Then after you have made the backup disc, i simply import it to Holster. The same way i rip any other make of CDG, then i simply discard the "Backup" disc..even though i wouldn't actually have to.

Author:  mrdelicious2 [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

"The new MTU Microstudio software 4.005..."

I must say, I love the new MTU software.  It's ability to put 'any' format onto a disc that is readable by disc players, is awesome.  No more converting from a format to format, once you get them organized and stored the way you want them, it's very easy to make a new cd.  I know I'm still in the dino age with cds, but don't see myself changing for a while yet.....MrD

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

Another solution, if you used to back up your discs.  Most decent CDG copying software includes correction. In my case I use a Microboards QuicDisc freestanding burner with internal firmware, but this can be done on the PC as well as long as you have a drive that will burn CDG.  Simply make a backup copy of the Cloqued disc by first initiating a "scan" then copying in "safe" mode.  The backup disc will come out as clear as the original with no MediaCloque" protection.  Then simply rip the backup...

Author:  sidewinder [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice CDG's

You say it will do DVDs and VCDs to MPG3?

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