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cdg's to a hard drive???
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Author:  Treveokie [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  cdg's to a hard drive???

I am new to this site just wondering how to take my cd's that are cdg's and put them on my external hard drive so I can use my laptop to play them and not have to worry about scratching my disc ... Also what program do i need to play my cdg on my laptop ... my laptop has s-video ...Any help would be appreciated....

Author:  Tony [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

Welcome. I suggest you read the tech forum where you will get all the relevant information to your question.

Author:  CACTUSJACK [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

look for a program called audiograbber it will do what you want its free and can reconise a lot of cdgs and autoname the tracks for you.  you will have to play with it for a while....its easy to figure out.....cal

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

Instead of audiogrbber try PowerKaraoke's CDG BUrner which works with more drives with cleaner rips than audiograbber.  plus if he gets a newer laptop he might end up with vista and audiograbber since it is no longer being upgraded might not work on vista.  
You need not buy the most expensive karaoke program as well. I finally got to try my new karaoke program this past weekend and was impressed at how smoothly the show ran.  I run JustKaraoke by tricerasoft, the inventors of the MP3+G format, and it does pretty much everything tht the big boys do plus more.  The only thing missing from it is a filler player. Which I like as I still like using winamp for my dj songs.  Okay enough about of my player as it is only how I feel about it.  Others will sing the praises to you about their particular programs and all have their good points.  All also leave something to be desired.

Author:  sw00000p [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???


I agree with Danny. You have a lot of options. You can save yourself a lot of time and money by deciding your Ultimate Goal. Do you later plan to KJ? Use the freeware for home use, to get your feet wet.


Author:  CACTUSJACK [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

winamp can be used for karaoke with the proper plugin i think they still have a free version along with a free plugin.  i will says this about winamp i have had some songs that have shown duplicate lyrics with the more expensive programs i have but winamp has played everything i have ever thrown at it flawlessly i use the pro version and its cheap compared to the others.  the last party i had i used it on my vista equipped laptop and  it ran perfect like the others said its a good starter.....hey danny do they have a free download for PowerKaraoke's CDG BUrner....i have never used it but i will try it if they do.......cal

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

Yeah, use Audiograbber to rip them to cdg + wav.. it's a free download.

Use winamp with the Sax and Dotty's plug in to play them on your pc as karaoke.

If you need to reburn them, use MP3+G toolz to convert them, and CDRWin to burn them.

They are all free programs, just google them by name.

It also helps if you tell people if you're doing this as a KJ, or just to sing along with on your laptop, or to record with..... cause that opens up a lot more options.

Using the "search" feature here has gotten to be a joke, topics have been covered in so many ways, with tons of different answers. You could try that, but our search feature is kinda spacey anyhow. If you just randomly wander into the tech forum, you'll drown amidst all the topics, especially if you're new here;)

But, good luck to ya... Hope I was atleast a tiny bit of help.  :wave:


Author:  CACTUSJACK [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

well said Blue Stained Shoes that about covers all the bases....cal

Author:  Treveokie [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

Thanks all for the advice I will give it a try and see how I make out ..

Author:  djdingaling28 [ Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cdg's to a hard drive???

hi m8 right there are a few programs you can use but the best 1 for a newbie laptop user is winamp most laptops have thi and you can download a cdg plugin free for winamp as for media you need a pirrer to copy from the disks if there origanals but i can help if you wish for help add me on msn and il gide you through it send me an email

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