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Christmas Letter
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Author:  Crystal [ Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Christmas Letter

Hi all!! Y'know how some people send christmas letters to family and friend telling them all about their year in a nutshell? Well after e-mailing mine to my friends n family, I wanted to share it with you guys as well!!

Only mine's a poem!! Here goes:

1st Annual Christmas Letter (2007)

About this time last year, Life was up in the air
For we had some big news, that had yet to be shared
In Crystal's un-round belly, was a tiny little seed
Leah was in there growing, another mouth to feed.

We both were really frightened, for things were happening quick
We had to tell the news. Time moves with every tick
With clammy hands and shaky knees, Our families were told
We're going to have a baby. A budding life to mold.

Tyler had the chance, to join his family
So, early in '07,  we headed for B.C.
At first we had some hard times, we thought our bond would tear
We're thankful for our families, who kept us in their prayers

One rainy early morning, before the sun was high
Leah made her debut, on the 20th of July
Our pretty baby girl, was born so small and sweet
with tiny little hands and tiny little feet

That precious little gift, Given to us that day
Quickly warmed our hearts and melted cares away
Soon our once-dark lives, took on a brighter tone
Our tiny little suite began to feel like home.

12 months have gone so fast, Christmas is now here
To lead us to the end of one eventful year
Austin and Summer's excitement will make their hearts just burst
And ours well up with Joy, as this is Leah's first.

(Austin and Summer are Tyler's other 2 kids)


Author:  milo [ Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Letter

and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family!

this was beautiful crystal.... :hug:

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