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How many takes??
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Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  How many takes??

When recording tunes to post to SS...how many takes(times) does it usually take you to get a recording that you find good enough to post to the Singers Showcase?

For me if its a song Im quite familiar with it can be as few as 3 takes. If its something that new then it might take 8-10 until I really get it worked out and get the phrasing and voice tones correct to really make it sound corrct.

How about U??

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

My Black Sabbath post was 1 take - still can't stand it personally, the AIC post was done on a multi tracker program - most of it was good where I just fixed a couple lines that were not instead of having to re-record the entire song over again.  So I guess you could say it was tracked in 1 take, but had some repair work done to it?

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

the latest one I have up is a one taker. It was a rushed job at 10 to 8 yesterday morning cos I didnt know it was ken's birthday

Author:  Babs [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

LMAO I did all mine in one take. No patience for figuring out how to edit using my computer.  :D You can tell though. They aren't the most perfectly sung songs. Listener X would have a field day critiquing me.  :D

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

On these single take songs are they ones you already know VERY WELL and sing them at the bar frequently--or are you trying them out cold-for the very first time???

Author:  Babs [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

Most of them I have done a lot. There is one over in Singer's Showcase that was a first time ever done. We were goofing around and did the regae version of "I got You Babe". It was really funny to me, so I subbed it.

Author:  Catseyeview [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

All my recordings are one takes, with the exception of when I add harmonies and do multitracking, and even then the harmony/countermelody lines are one takes.

A lot of my recordings are "first timers" too, if I get in the mood to sing something I just sing it lol

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

Usually when I do these kind of submissions, I'll sing them at home once, to decide how I want to do it. Then I'll record it.

I'm WELL aware that they're not perfect recordings... but when I sing live at karaoke, neither are they. So I don't try  to impress anybody by seeing how much of a studio musician or engineer I am, cause I AIN'T!

Author:  Tex [ Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

If I know the song I'll listen and sing along with the track once to make sure there are no surprises. If the track is ok I can probably do it in one take. There are times when I listen to the playback and cant believe some of the stupid sounds that come out of my mouth and will redo it. But I have to redo the whole song since I cant go back and edit. Then usually I screw something else up so none of my subs will ever be perfect. In my case Im usually satisified with not having a perfect recording as long as it is on key and in time. My philosophy is this is for fun.

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

Usually i end up having to do them several times to try to get the levels right so i dont clip the music or over driving the vocals. Not having a mixer board is really a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!

If im doing a song cold--never tried it- i have to do it several times to work out the phrasing, starts and stops correctly.

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many takes??

everything I have ever submitted were one take wonders with a little echo on the mic... too lazy to do post production work... what ya hear is what ya get for what it's worth...


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