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Most unusual Happening At Show
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Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Most unusual Happening At Show

What's the most unusual thing you've seen at one of your karaoke shows, or someone else's that you've attended? Once in a while mine get a little carried away on the wild side, like the night I was wearing a ladies panty liner (Clean/Unused) as a mustache. Its a long story.

The other night (Fri) I was getting ready to close down the show when one of the new guys came up and asked to sing one more song. Normally, I don't fill those requests, as everybody and their brother would want to sing another one. This guy pulls a ring out of his pocket saying he's going to give it to his girlfriend and wanted to sing a specific song (which was the next one listed on his slip), so I made an exception for him. He sings the song then gets down on one knee, gives her the ring, and proposes. I'm not kidding, she litterally fell out of her chair.

Author:  KKid [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I've seen the purposal thing before....but one time, the wife and I were singin' at a honky tonk outside of town and a lady of the evening put up a slip.....when her turn came, she waltzed up to the stage and "deep throated" the mic......safice to say no one wanted to use that one again...lol...and yes she was ask to leave and no she didn't sing a song....

Author:  Guest [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:06 pm ]
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Ron Was not lying either.. I witnessed both events... I'm still stunned on the reaction of the 2nd event.. :shock:

his shows do get a little wild.. ya just never know when..


Author:  KKid [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:39 pm ]
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And I wasn't lying either...

Author:  Big Mike [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:42 pm ]
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When I was first starting in the karaoke biz, I was playing at a Chinese restaurant and they had a small fish pond with some koi fish in it.

One of our customers got a little tipsy and while dancing to a song she lost her balance and went a$$ first into the pond. It was just like in the movies! Feet and legs sticking up in the air, and the look of surprise on her face was priceless!

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:13 pm ]
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Boy - don't ya sometimes just wish ya had a video camera taping some of those type things when they happen? If ya could get everyone with something funny filmed like that, just naturally as they happen, where ya could edit them to add to a single tape, immagine what you'd have :twisted:

Author:  metalgod [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:26 pm ]
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I do have a video camera at most of my gigs and all of my crazy stories are on it!!! The video will be released under the title " The Girls of Karaoke " peace,love rokkenroke

Author:  Guest [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:56 pm ]
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Are ya sure we can't get the local "Spy" shop to donate survalence to the show venue??... and just not tell anyone???? oops too late!! I Just did!!!
:oops: :shock: :oops: :P :wink: :idea: :twisted: :evil:

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:52 am ]
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Keep em coming, I'm sure there's a lot more stories out there.

Kkid - Don't think I'd particularly want to use that mic either.

Author:  dbk1009 [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 6:40 am ]
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My wife and I were at a show where everyone knew the host was a real pervert. This lady asked him to sing as he was closing up. Jokingly, he said "only if you do it topless!" Next thing we know, off comes her shirt. He of course has video cams, so it was saved for 'posterity'

This alone would have been memorable, but the next week she came back, and tried the same thing again, except she wanted to sing in a group of ladies................you guessed it- 4 topless women singing "I will Survive"

Irony or what!


Author:  big jimmy c [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 7:43 am ]
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Hey, I gotta hang with you guys!

I probably entered this story before. A couple of years ago I was hosting at a west village NYC bar. Mostly a college crowd and the little place used to get packed.

One night this guy starts jumping up and down like crazy as he's singing, Next thing his pants fall to his ankles he trips and is laying on the floor in red boxer shorts frantically trying to pull his pants back up in front of about 80 - 100 people.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:28 am ]
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I don't know if a mutual friend of ours told ya in that phone conversation, BUT.. Alot of crazy things happen at shows that I do or go to especially with him around.... I think he has pics or video of a few of them and maybe has told ya a few stories...


Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:45 am ]
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One night while KJ'ing a group of girls came in and sat at a table as it was one of the girls BIRTHDAY. Nothing unusual for most of the show ..they opened some gfts at the table some PANTIES AND OTHER
X RATED fun stuff... :twisted: But while I was finishing the show and closed the karaoke they asked to hear some dance music :roll: So I agreed as its never a problem while I'm packing up some gear to play some reg music. But when HOT IN HERE played and it said the part about take your clothes off ..... :shock: :shock: ONE OF THE GIRLS did :D :D :shock: :oops: :oops: It was memorable

Then there was the time when the 2 guys got in a fight and one busted a beer bottle over the other guys head and there was BLOOD all over the place ...Freaked me out ..had to stop the show and everything.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 2:19 pm ]
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On the house system I started out in, about seven years ago, a guy put in a request for "Whip it!" by Devo. and when the music started, at the appropriate time, he RIPPED off his belt, and cracked it on the floor... in perfect timing!

The bar was freaked out at first, and then LOVED it.

It was the very first standing ovation I've ever seen at karaoke. ((there were many more later, but it was the FIRST I'd seen! LOL!))

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