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Trying something new
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Author:  Babs [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Trying something new

Saturday night we are having karaoke and comedians. The bar owner has hired 3 comedians to do 10 minutes each on karaoke night. They are professional comedians from the Zanies group, so they should be good. I'm digging it because I'll actually get 3 breaks that night.  :dancin: As long as my pay is the same I don't care.

If they work out he has decided to hire them for New years too.

I've shared gigs with bands, but never comedians. This is something totally new for me.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

You know it's funny....Karen has asked me several times, why I don't help you out, and mix a bit, so you can take a break. I tell her....people are there to be mixed(more like catered too  LOL ) by their Babs, and they would be upset....I know how they feel..... :D ....but I would rather see karaoke with breaks playing some good dance music, rather than comedians....for New Years Eve that is....intervals undetermined, but accenting the bringing in of the new year, with the dancing segment.......JMO...... :no:

Author:  Babs [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

We'll have a better feel for how it will be for New Years after Saturday. I'm hoping it works out well and the comedians are nice people.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

LMAO ...people are going to fight over who gets to hang with you......and you'll be able to empty that bag a bit more often....... LMAO

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

Why would they HIRE 3 comedians?
Are they not happy with business and the crowds?
I'm always leary of things like this ... but you would know better if you have anything to fear or not .. Wish you well and I hope everyone has a great time

Author:  Babs [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

No worries - I am very solid with my gig. He knows I bring in the people.

I think his motivation is doing something cool for New Years. I wouldn't doubt he got these comedians to work free or really cheap for Saturday, as a try out sort of thing.

He's not trying to replace me. He tried getting bands on every Saturday instead of karaoke a few years back and killed business. I'm a sure thing even if he doesn't like karaoke.  LMAO Knock on wood - I have a loyal crowd that bands can't compete with. I can't image the comedians would be any different.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

It has to be quiet for comedians to work.....I've been where people are talkin at the same time......it doesn't work too well in a bar inviroment....

Author:  pflugerville [ Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

i like the idea of a little comedic humor between singers once in awhile, although it's usually while i'm waiting for someone to get to the stage.  the only fear i'd have is someone who is next in line to sing getting impatient waiting for the comedian to get done....especially if he/she doesn't make the person waiting laugh.

Author:  Babs [ Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

That is my fear too. I don't take breaks when I work, not even to go to the bathroom, because my crowd would grow impatient with me.

I'm thinking because this is something new and fun they may take to it a couple of times, but wouldn't want it to happen on a regular basis.

Author:  supercharged [ Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

THAT is one reason I always try to have a co host. its tough to not pee when your drinkin. :)  also we are different personalitys so he gets along well with some people, I get along well with others and taking turns gives us the best chance to mingle with the patrons. our singing styles are really different too, so when we don't get a strong rotation he and I put in songs that liven the crowd. it works awesome for me as we strengthen each other when we work together. an he works dirt cheap as long as he can get his drink on for free an I give him a ride home.

as for the comedians , it may work good for NYE. being that its something new it should be ok this week also. I had a guy that would stop in some times who does rap/ beat box and I used to give him the mike for 5 min or so per show to do frestyle stuff people really got into that, but it is more like karaoke than it is comedy. it was still something new and cool for a while. I wouldnrt want it every show tho. personaly I think that three comics is overkill. one who did 3 10 min sets would be plenty.

Author:  lordairgtar [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

Oh, I see this as a trainwreck waiting to happen. Number one is drunk hecklers, they don't know or care when the comedy stops or the karaoke begins. A gut who was giving the comic the "business" will think he is funny himself and attack you as well. Number two, would be the comics themselves doing improve and attacking the singers abilities when their own jokes bomb or they get heckled...

Drunk Customer: Yer not funny, go sit down.
Comic: Yeah? And you guys all sound like sick cows.

Yup, a trainwreck.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

good lord....you may be right.....but I see it as job security for Babs... :) ....she'll get a chance to do some MCing, and she can throw out a few zingers herself....she has an outstading sense of humor, and doesn't hesitate to poke fun at herself. Unfortunately, from the comedic stand point....there isn't anything physically about her, that one could make fun of...... :drool:

Author:  Babs [ Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

You forget johnny - Baby got Back  LMAO

Well we sure will find out tonight - Johnny and I will let you know how it goes.

As far as the hecklers - I'm pretty sure most comedians have to deal with that stuff and if they are stupid enough to attack the audience they'll get what they deserve. Booos

We have a pretty nice crowd I think they will be respectful.

As it looks right now I don't think we'll have much of a crowd. It is pure ice rain outside.

Author:  Babs [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

We survived the ice storm and the bad comics.  LMAO

I never took in consideration that the comics might not be funny.

We had a decent turn out considering the horrible weather conditions. The comics went on about 11:00. The first one was okay. I don't think I actually laughed though. She did about 10 minutes. The second one was horrible. I kept waiting for a punch line that never came. Thank goodness she only did about 5 minutes.

We had a respectful crowd that tried to show interest and be encoraging, but they just weren't funny. Johnny was more entertaining than these gals.  LMAO

The patrons told the owner the comics weren't funny. He seemed to agree fully.

We are still having comics for New Years though. The owner said they would be different ones. I'm hoping they are because I can't guarrentee the crowd will be as kind.

Author:  supercharged [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

Im happy to here you had an ok show with the storm. geesh this stuff suxxxxx! I spent a couple hours in the plow truck at work. thankfully my wife shoveled while i was at work. she actually enjoys shoveling and yard work!
   im sorry the comics sucked but im sure that your show can support itself and the comics will only be a couple times before the owner gets the idea..my thursday show is in a 2 story bar. upstairs they have a dj thur-sat and downstairs is normaly juke box and tvs except when I am there. after my first show the dj's pay got cut in half cuz nobody comes in to see him. they had like 10 people upstairs the first night and 50 or so downstairs. last week he only got like 3 people upstairs, NOBODY dances up there, yet they do downstairs for karaoke. a co worker tells me the friday dj isn't much better.  I doubt theyll last long lol.

Author:  pflugerville [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

didn'e even know y'all had an ice storm...been too busy to watch the news.  terribly sorry to hear about your weather (we played golf in shorts and short sleeves), but glad you still had a turn out to your show!  at least the comediennes didn't run anyone off.  since they bombed so bad, is the owner still planning to have them back?  my opinion is that maybe they weren't THAT bad, but when you go to a karaoke show, you go to hear/sing karaoke.  if you wanted to hear comedy you'd go to the laugh stop or comedy capers or some other comedy venue.

Author:  Babs [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

Yeah, he's having them back for New Years. He says he is getting better comics NYE.
Even if they do suck we'll still have a good time. The comedians don't take up enough time to ruin the night. The patrons let him know they didn't care for the comics. He knows the comics weren't that great he was sitting right there the whole time. Plus the fact he told me they weren't funny. He'll probably do it for NYE and never do it again.

Author:  pflugerville [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying something new

i'm funny sometimes.....if he wants to pay my plane ticket, i'll come up!  LMAO  

(see i told you i was funny sometimes!)

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