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Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen
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Author:  TomSea [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen

Hi all, I'm new here, but not new to karaoke.  Maybe someone can help me on this one.  I have a Gigmaster and bought a flat screen monitor to use instead of my TV. The Gigmaster has a VGA output, but the monitor says no signal.  Are LCD's compatible with karaoke, or do I need a converter of some sort?  This is for home use.

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen

Is it a computer monitor? If so it has a vga input and vga cable with. If it is a regular tv  I recommend buying a monitor with all the inputs tuner, s-video, rca or vga as a backup
to the computer monitor. If it has a video input then you need a vga to rca converter.

What is the make & model is the flat screen?

Author:  TomSea [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen

karyoker...Thanks for the reply!  I did what no man does...read the small print that came with my Gigmaster!  I had to change the video configuration from TV to VGA.  so, now I'm good to go with that.  New problem....playing through my laptop (CDs)to the Gigmaster...well...there's very low volume, and the gigmaster can blow the windows out when the disc is played on the gigmaster.  Do I need some kind of amplifier?  Thought the Gigmaster would take care of that.  Are there drives for the laptop that will play CDGs?  I know they play from the hard drive.

Thanks again

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen

TomSea @ Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:01 am wrote:
karyoker...Thanks for the reply!  I did what no man does...read the small print that came with my Gigmaster!  I had to change the video configuration from TV to VGA.  so, now I'm good to go with that.  New problem....playing through my laptop (CDs)to the Gigmaster...well...there's very low volume, and the gigmaster can blow the windows out when the disc is played on the gigmaster.  Do I need some kind of amplifier?  Thought the Gigmaster would take care of that.  Are there drives for the laptop that will play CDGs?  I know they play from the hard drive.

Thanks again

How are you connecting the laptop to the Gigmaster?  Should have a stereo mini plug on one end & RCA plugs on the other end plugged into the input of the Gigmaster.  Then make sure your laptop volume is turned up - start at halfway through the internal Play COntrol window which shows all your volume sliders on both main volume & wav volume.

Author:  TomSea [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen

Thanks!  I only moved the volume control that's in the 'tray'.  The laptop is new to me as is "Vista".  I'll get more thorough with your help tonight.  By the way, I'm "JohnnyBeach" on the SC Forum.  The guy that is always looking for more 'new' 50's & 60's.  I'm not a pro, just a home guy who wants to make things more slim-lined in the house.  Way too many dics to be going through.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vocopro Gigmaster & LCD flatscreen

Lonman @ Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:22 pm wrote:
Then make sure your laptop volume is turned up - start at halfway through the internal Play COntrol window which shows all your volume sliders on both main volume & wav volume.

Many laptops now also have a physical volume dial on the outside of the laptop, usually right next to the mini-plug for internal sound card output.

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