Mr Trep @ Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:34 am wrote:
well, not sure if I understand what you are telling...
Is there any CGD editor . like a software or something, That could let me just change a few words with "----------------".
That's all I need.
I'm sorry, I assumed that you were in the software development end of your company.
I don't have software that would do exactly what you need at the moment. You might try the folks at as they might.
The problem with changing the words in a CDG file is that CDG is a graphics file ranther than text. What I mean is that it deals with pixels and not fonts. What makes it even more difficult is that most of the time the the next pixel change is based on the current pixel state. So, if you edit the current pixel state the rest of the file is useless. The sort of editor you describe would be difficult to make but not impossible.
On the other hand if you just needed to blank the screen at a certain point you can simply shorten the CDG file.
If you need custom software to do the job I would be happy to undertake the project. I have already written quite a bit of karaoke software and would not be starting from scratch so that you could expect a fairly fast turnaround.