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How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?
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Author:  CanPanther [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

Just for the heck of it, today I did a search for my nick on Google and I came across something very interesting. People have been submitting and/or linking my recordings to MP3 sites. I don't wish to spam other site addresses on here but I was completely shocked to find my subs, in my name, on sites that give away free MP3s by major artists. I didn't submit these to any other sites except the 3 main karaoke sites. And it's been about 3.5 years since I was active on any site. The last recording I submitted here was on April 22, 2004. On a couple of the sites I visited, you could even download a copy of my recordings. On one site, the files were linked by a user named DeeJay and they were linked directly to Singer's Showcase while others seem to host the files themselves.

I thought the songs posted on this site were to remain on this site and couldn't be downloaded or linked.

Has anyone else run into this and how do you stop it?

Author:  Murlinman [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

I had that happen when I had a YouTube site up...

So I closed the account because I wasn't sure if I was going to get in trouble or not.

After about a month I had over 2k hits on my songs and I got paranoid.

But I havent had that happen with links to this sites yet.  I didn't think they could download MP3's from this site.

Someone would have had to record it and them share the MP3 wouldn't they? :headscratch:

Author:  CanPanther [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

I think so too but there are also linked files on other sites. I thought there was a way to stop direct links from a website.

Author:  Catseyeview [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

Many sound cards have a setting where you can "record what you hear" so this isn't a difficult thing at all as long as you have hardware.  For that matter all you'd need to do is play any sound file over the net and record it to any available source and voila, there ya go.

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

where do I know you from? Just listened to your subs and its not a voice I am familiar with...but I know I know the name from somewhere  :shock:
ohhhh yeah I think its coming back to me now...yep you decimated johnnywb's mirc site...that is why the name is inprinted on my mind...johnnywb did a lot of whinging bout you

Author:  Murlinman [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

I have been doing alot of reading about the laws and I cannot see where you can actually get in trouble for links.

I think you can only get in trouble for sharing actual MP3's.

Anyone here can google their username and get links to the SS.

Al long as someone else is the one that is sharing the MP3's, I don't think you yourself can be accused of breaking any copyright laws.

Author:  CanPanther [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

MorganLeFey @ Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:00 pm wrote:
where do I know you from? Just listened to your subs and its not a voice I am familiar with...but I know I know the name from somewhere  :shock:
ohhhh yeah I think its coming back to me now...yep you decimated johnnywb's mirc site...that is why the name is inprinted on my mind...johnnywb did a lot of whinging bout you

His site? LMAO

I started that channel and ran it successfully for over a year. But I am no longer active on mirc, just like I am not active on the submission sites anymore. I did my 6 years on mirc and got nothing but headaches for it. Ancient history. I moved on 3-4 years ago.

Author:  CanPanther [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

Murlinman @ Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:09 pm wrote:
I have been doing alot of reading about the laws and I cannot see where you can actually get in trouble for links.

I think you can only get in trouble for sharing actual MP3's.

Anyone here can google their username and get links to the SS.

Al long as someone else is the one that is sharing the MP3's, I don't think you yourself can be accused of breaking any copyright laws.

Cool. Pretty much all I needed to know. It's still kinda weird to see my songs out there like that.

Thank you. :)

Author:  dumbdrums [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

i remember you Canpather...i was wonderin what happened to ya..hope you are well ! what have you been up to lately, if you arent singing anymore?

Author:  CanPanther [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

dumbdrums @ Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:26 pm wrote:
i remember you Canpather...i was wonderin what happened to ya..hope you are well ! what have you been up to lately, if you arent singing anymore?

Hey bud! Long time. GTSY. How have you been? Still rockin' on these sites, are ya? :)

I never said I wasn't belting 'em out anymore...just not online. Yup, I'm still singing, working Thurs.-Sat. nights every week...just like always. I just haven't been too active in the online scene for quite a while. I'm hoping to get back into it again someday soon...maybe. :) I might even start up another site again....when I get some cash together. But for now, I'm content just doing the weekend thing.

Take care!

Author:  dumbdrums [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

great to hear !! keep up the killer vocals dude !! cheers  to ya !!!

Author:  Murlinman [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?


Hey Mikey I found Once bitten, Twice shy...

Cool song...I downloaded it and am learning it.

Great White was a cool band... :wave:

Author:  dumbdrums [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How did my subs end up on other MP3 sites?

dude thats awesome !! you should post that up on metal monday !!!!! great white is a great fit for your range !

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