i have couple components that a friend he closed his shop and gave it to me, and i want to hook them up to have a nice karaoke system. below is a list of what i have:
1 - Karaoke mixer A&B 320D
1 - Karaoke Mixer A &B 640D
1 - Old Techniques A/V Receiver with Prologic sound (Front left & Right, Rears , Center out put at the back of receiver)
1 - Old KLH A/V Receiver with only 1 pair of speaker output a the back
3 - MegaBox MTC-3000 model DVD Players
1 - Bose Acoustimass 3 Series IV spearker System
4 - BMB Boxshelf Speakers
4 - Tradics BoxShelf Speakers
1 - Bose Subwoofer
20 - 2 Wireless Microphone system ( 1 rec and 2 mics)
plus whole bunch of DVD Players
1 DTV HD receiver
I already mounted 4 Tradics speakers at 4 top corner of my Living room with the room demension is 15 x 20. also i mounted my new Plasma Samsung 50" on top of my fireplace.
Please me some ideas how to hook them up and what should I use or do i need to buys any extra receivers. thanks