Dr Fred @ Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:09 pm wrote:
I don't live in fear. I believe that if you make a good faith effort to do a reasonable amount to comply with laws, you will not be bothered.
I agree that with a good faith effort to comply with the laws one is relatively safe for now as a KJ. The main problem is that a "Pirate" KJ who understands Karaoke can say look at pretty much any significant karaoke setup and find at least a few songs that are most likely not legal. Hence the "Pirate" KJ who flaunts the law can say with some justification "Hey your not perfect either! Don't complain about the fact I downloaded 50k songs".
I don't give a crap what someone like that says. They know the difference, and so do I.
Besides, I am not in the police business and I wouldn't be confronting someone else on their compliance or lack thereof. The most I have done is to point out that my collection is legally obtained, leaving others to draw their own conclusions about other people.
In my case, I am an amateur so I have had relatively few situations like that.
Problem is in the eye of the law one illegal song can be as bad as 50,000 for the KJ. While a common sense approach sees the difference the law does not. The recent court case for music downloads only charged the woman with copying 24 songs if I remember correctly.
That is what they focused on in the evidence. In fact, the general accusation was for thousands of songs. And that was someone distributing to others, a far cry from format-shifted songs with original CDs in hand.
I admit I have downloaded a few Midi Karaoke songs just out of curiosity to see how bad they really were. They are not on my songlist, and never will make it there. But in the eyes of the law this makes me the same as the songpirate who downloaded 100k songs.
I wasn't even aware that the MIDI songs were illegal. It isn't illegal to play music in your own home, providing that you don't illegally copy someone else's recording. MIDI is not that, so unless you performed it publicly and didn't pay ASCAP/BMI I believe you did nothing wrong.
Every song I have on my songlist is purchased, but I can never know if the couple dozen or so places I have bought them from are all legit.
You can live in fear if you want to. I won't worry about that; I strongly believe that someone else who is much more egregiously breaking the law will be the test case, not me. I think that fearing a lightning strike is a much more realistic worry.
I have something to fear, too, were that realistic. Being relatively well off, I have quite a bit to lose.