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Anyone running the vocopro CDG-8000?
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Author:  Big Mike [ Sat Nov 22, 2003 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone running the vocopro CDG-8000?

I'm thinking about picking up one of these units, and I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with it. Good or bad, let me hear it!

Author:  Barry James [ Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Can't be of much help here 'cos we don't have them (or if we do, nobody uses them) but the whole range seems to be dismissed as often as not on these boards!

Have a read through some of the other threads!


Author:  marty3 [ Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven't read or heard much, if any, positive reviews re: Vocopro for professional use. That particular player was of interest to me when I put together my system, thinking I could save space and cover both the DJ and karaoke necessaties with one unit. However, that player doesn't have some basic features like key change and vocal mask/remove, so even for karaoke, it wasn't sufficient; I think their mixer line might have some of this. They were very pricey too. I ended up with an American DJ dual CD player, and RSQ triple tray CDG unit. Both together cost less than the Vocopro and have all the features needed, and have never been problemmatic.

Author:  marley rules [ Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Im not a professional KJ, but I will tell you that Vocopro does a substandard job when it comes to reading the graphics. They just seem to garble the graphics way too easily. I have seen this occur with their professional units at a show I frequent as well as on a home-based system. When factoring in the price of the VocoPro, it seems there are better choices out there.

Additionally, if I remember correctly, this unit does not have direct track access. In other words, you must use track forward or track backward buttons to get to the desired track. On the JVC you just hit the track # and you are there.

Author:  EElvis [ Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I had one for a year then sold it. I had one player that was intermittent, and about 3 months after I sold it that side quit. The other side is flakey. If it were up to me I wouldnt own one. for the price you can do much better.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:20 am ]
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I've also considered (in the past) purchasing the CDG8000 the advertised features and simple all in one rack mountable unit seemed to be "just what I wanted" As most will suggest...stay away from Vocopro if your are in the PRO KJ/DJ Business. Besides being "pricey" the word on the street is the quality is not up to standards. As I am always looking to make my KJ/DJ life easier I've been looking at a dual rackmountable pro quality Numark CDN30 dual CD player w/digital outputs. ( Lower end of the dual cd players but It has the features I need). If you hook that up with a decoder that will allow the graphis to be displayed you are looking at a total of $500 ..little less than the cdg8000 and IMAHO better quality.


Author:  Lonman [ Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:33 am ]
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Author:  Barry James [ Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Cummon, Lon. Stop beating about the bush! Tell him what you REALLY mean!

Author:  malibujesus [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Vocopro 8000

I use it for my shows.
As I seem to be the only person in the entire karaoke world using it, I'll offer my opinion.

I like the fact that there are 2 decks racked.

I've never accidentally ejected the wrong disk.

It's never jammed.

It cues to the beginning of the music and not the 10 seconds of title.

Great for touring. had no problems.

Feels very solid. Less plastic to break.


On certain disks when pausing at the top of the song, the visual title will glitch, this goes away once you press play.
The same disk plays fine in a JVC 3 tray.

On "play" sometimes the title page comes up, glitches, and starts the visual again. This creates a pause in the music. Not that dramatic.

Does't play DVDs, VCD's or a old rubber tire from an RV.
Only CDs and CD+Gs.
Good for me, not for others.

All in all, I'm happy.
It suits my needs.
Much better than the JVC 3 disk hunk-O-junk.
Personally, I feel that 1 disk/1 tray is the way to go as the elevator mechanism is dodgey.
That said, I never had any issues with the Pioneer 2 tray system.


Author:  KJ Auslander [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:16 am ]
Post subject: 


I use this unit also, and other than the fact that it doesn't like beer, I have had very few problems with it, other than the ones mentioned above. One of the things I really like about it is the fact that I can pre-listen to the sound prior to playing it. On more than one occaission, I have had singers ask what my version of song "X" sounds like... I am able to start the next singer rollin, and let the person with the question listen to what it is I have. Once it comes back from the Betty Ford clinic for Electronic Equipment, I will be carrying both that and the Pioneer. As odd as it seems, only a small percentage of people in this neck of the woods want a key change. But even at that, I do have the rackmount Key Change unit - which I bought after I put the CDG8000 in the shop... Oh damn...

I just realized...
Well damn...
I had 4 open RU's in my case when I took that puppy in... I filled them without thinking... to quote the Taco Bell chihuahua - "I think I need a bigger box.."

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:24 am ]
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I used to have a couple things from vocopro. They're inexpensive, or at least very competative price wise. However, its the old "you get what you pay for". Although attractive on the dollar vs what you get, or compared to other mfg's, they make up for it from the quality side. A few dollars more get ya gear that will function better and hold up longer. I can't see spending more money on their products until they make substantial improvements in the quality. Just an opinion.

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