I was wondering if any of you have downloaded mp3 songs from good time karaoke
It appears to be a legit seller of tracks.
My questions are:
1. Does it look legit to other people?
2. Are the MP3 files that they sell of good quality? (ie high sampling rate, I know the manus they are selling).
It looks like they have an excellent selection, of songs mainly from Zoom, and many of which I want. They seem a lot cheaper (and faster) than the mix CD prices. They seem like a good way to top off a few artists without getting a lot of overlap of duplicates from buying disks (and at $1 a song in bulk they are cheaper than most no discount cds).
They appear to have most or all of the Zoom catalog and many "Top Hits" and "Forever Hits". They also seem to have a lot of MM songs that I largely intend to avoid like the plague.