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Makie Experts Help Please
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Author:  Lazer [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Makie Experts Help Please

Can someone please tell me the difference between the CFX-12 and the CFX-12MKII if there is any at all. I seem be to able to get the CFX-12 a little cheaper wondering if there is a major difference or not.


Author:  LondonLive [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makie Experts Help Please



Appears to be cosmetics, these two links should help you compare them.

Author:  Kellyoke [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makie Experts Help Please

I have one of each.  I'm sure there may be some difference in the internal design.  A little cosmetic difference on the outside.  But I can tell no difference audibly.  

It's a great all around mixer IMO.  There are better mixers and better separate effects (using Blue's terminology) "thingys" LOL   But, I don't really know of a better combination for the buck.  Maybe Lonman will chirp in.  He's well versed on these I believe.


Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makie Experts Help Please

CFX12 was the original, the mkii is the re-issue.  Mostly cosmetic changes to fit in with their new lines, I believe there were some MINOR audio enhancements but probably not enough to notice.  When they first came out (CFX12) they ran about $600, now they run about $500.  They are cheaper because they are now made in China pretty much like every other manufacturer anymore.  As long as the older model is clean - don't look abused, go for it.  Great board.

Author:  LondonLive [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Makie Experts Help Please

Lonman @ Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:52 pm wrote:
CFX12 was the original, the mkii is the re-issue.  Mostly cosmetic changes to fit in with their new lines, I believe there were some MINOR audio enhancements but probably not enough to notice.  When they first came out (CFX12) they ran about $600, now they run about $500.  They are cheaper because they are now made in China pretty much like every other manufacturer anymore.  As long as the older model is clean - don't look abused, go for it.  Great board.

I didn't want to use he "C" word, does that mean they are heavier now because of the lead content?  :jk:

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makie Experts Help Please

Just don't lick the paint  :shock:

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