KaraokeBradSC @ Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:45 pm wrote:
Any ideas why singing is not intimidating, but speaking is?
My theory on that is fairly simple...to speak in front of people, you have to make it up as you go - you have to relate to people who, for the most part are complete strangers. There is not any real way to know what the reaction to what you say will be - and if it doesn't go well...it's all you. But, to sing in front of them, you KNOW what comes next - whether from memory or because the words are there in front of you. You have a pretty good idea of what the reaction will be and what to expect. If it doesn't go well, it's not really you because they weren't your words and thoughts.
"I hold the key to an open door....will I ever be free...?"