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MySpace friends.....
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  MySpace friends.....

Just FYI to my friends on MySpace....

Yes, I was hacked.  LOL

If any of you have gotten anything wierd from me in the last few days, or any kind of advertisement, rest assured it wasn't REALLY from me.
(except, you know, THAT advertisement, you know the one, cause I REALLY do sell that for a fee..... ) Muahaha

Thanks to the peeps who emailed and let me know about it, lord knows it coulda went on for a while, since I'm a slacker there:)



Author:  knightshow [ Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

I was wondering! LOL

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

knightshow @ Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:41 am wrote:
I was wondering! LOL

I sent ya a message over there. Again, thanks for the heads up Matt.

And I'm dying to see what the heck it was that I was sending/saying to people.  LMAO

Kinda freaky... Wonder how someone got my password? It would be obvious to a few, but not many... only those who know me VERY well.

(and here I am giving clues, Lmao) Nah, it's changed now anyways.


Author:  Foxe [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

geez Charmin.. I was positive you wanted to marry me.. I quit my job.. packed up.. got airline tickets and was just headed out the door when I saw your bulletin there lol

:wave: ah well maybe next time? LOL

I've not a clue what your hacker told people lol  :no:

Author:  Tigrr27 [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

seems I missed the juicy bulletin too... will have to pay attention to deleting bulletins...


Author:  knightshow [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

yeah, I deleted it already... but had it kept on there pending your comment back to me, Charmin.

Wasn't a bulliten, but a comment ON my myspace page! :P

Author:  Isis [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

I am so darn unlucky!!!!  I didn't get anything that was exciting!!!!  Maybe next time!!  I was hacked a while back.... This is how it happened to me... I clicked to view a video on someone's page and it told me I couldn't do that without signing in first.... The next thing I know I am getting messages from Matt and others telling me I had been hacked... It seemed so natural to just enter my user name and password when it asked for it.. So be careful.. It gets the best of us when we are just messing around....

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

Yikes, it was THAT simple to be hacked?

Funny thing is... I'm rarely ever there. Most of my free time is honestly spent here, not that I know what the hell "free time" is these days.

But I really don't log into MySpace very often, and only then to read or sent messages. WHY would somebody choose to pick on ME... when I'm not even very active?


Author:  Foxe [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

lol they don't care.. they were gonna make you active..

yeah ISIS.. that username/password request is a bad deal.. some people go looking for backgrounds/layouts and see the "easy" opportunity.. hey I don't have to copy/paste it into about me.. the site will do it itself if I just give it my username and password

uh.. no.. don't do it..  :no: that's another method..

do the copy/paste thing..

Author:  fiery [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

BlueStainedShoes @ August 3rd 2007, 09:31 wrote:
Just FYI to my friends on MySpace....

Yes, I was hacked.  LOL

If any of you have gotten anything wierd from me in the last few days, or any kind of advertisement, rest assured it wasn't REALLY from me.
(except, you know, THAT advertisement, you know the one, cause I REALLY do sell that for a fee..... ) Muahaha

Thanks to the peeps who emailed and let me know about it, lord knows it coulda went on for a while, since I'm a slacker there:)



I have a friend on my list who got hacked this week.. he's a musician. He actually got freaked on for being French Canadian, got called a traitor.... and then poof, 5000 people disappeared off his list. Nice to know people have that much time to waste, innit?  :no:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

Funny thing...

I made this thread, then today logged into MySpace again, only to get this message while signing on with my NEW password...

That my login had "had too many failed attempts"... so I had to go through a little verification process. Somebody is apparently playing with my MySpace page;)

Maybe it's not your everyday hacker, maybe someone is seriously out to GET me. LMAO ..... should I be skeered?


Author:  fiery [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

BlueStainedShoes @ August 6th 2007, 00:25 wrote:

Maybe it's not your everyday hacker, maybe someone is seriously out to GET me. LMAO ..... should I be skeered?


*In Tweety Bird voice* Dey don't know you vewy well do dey?

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

Well, they'll play hell figgering out my password THIS time.... I used two parts of VIN numbers from two of my different vehicles.  (hopefully my insurance agent/boss isn't reading here, Lolll, since he has them on file)  

I guess my last password was a bit obvious, but again, likely I wasn't hacked by anyone who truly knows me anyhow.  LMAO


Author:  eben [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

I know someone else who got hacked and when I tried to access his page, it re-directed me to an off site page asking to log in to MySpace. It's a phishing site that someone hacked has set up to get MySpace log in info. It may be possible you got caught in that and no password is safe if that is the case. Be cafeful when you are logging in to MySpace, check the URL to make sure it's MySpace and even then, be suspicious.

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....


also be wary of the "myspace friend add" requests that are emailed to you.

Chances are, if you look at the properties of the url for the myspace, it'll be www1.myspace.com or someother such nonesense.

If at ANY time you are asked for a password AFTER logging on, don't do it. Cancel and get out and then get back into myspace.

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

boy do you have that right!!....also look at their user names when they request you to be a friend. I had requests from "homeloans" and "xselfmutilation" YIKES! The first sounded annoying ( I hate it when someone uses your page for an enormous "comment" that is really an add for themselves- Tacky Tacky!) and the second just sounded scary. SELF MUTILATION???? I wanted to send her a number for a good psychiatrist! You can fix your privacy settings to exclude people unless they know your last name or email...you can also set your settings to approve comments. But either way- that is normally why they steal an identity. Unless they have a personal grudge against you- they will use your page to advertise themselves and spam your friends. Though I will say that one friend was attacked by someone that used her myspace page to get into her email then into her computer via her IP address. Her identitiy was stolen. So Charmin- I'd change all my other passwords for safetys sake. Just in case. Can't be too careful.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

Ah heck, there's only one person (here) who would even have the slightest idea what my password may be. But it's been changed, like I said.

And I'm SO not on MySpace very often. When I get "freind requests", if it's not someone from here, I refuse the request. I'm not there to meet new people, I just made a page to hang with some of you all anyhow.... so my page is set to private and I only talk with members of KS.

But thanks for the info Ben, Matt, and (dang, forgot your real name, Lol) oneofakind... I didn't know it was that easy to get hacked there. My guard is up now tho, all windows and doors are barred, and I bought a new Doberman and let him loose on my page.... I think I'm safe now;)


Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

I get a lot of girls pretending they want to be my friends, but they just want me to look at nasty pictures......damn all these beautiful girls.....they only wanna send be dirt....they make me hornicidal, hornicidal, and I put da Bengay on da arm..... :(

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

I get a lot of girls pretending they want to be my friends, but they just want me to look at nasty pictures

Yeah,   What  do they think we are,  Cheap ?

Btw,    Don't you hate it when you accidently don't get all that Ben Gay off've your hand ?

Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MySpace friends.....

I know the feeling......and don't try putting water on it..... LMAO

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