Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Singers Showcase
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Author:  Murlinman [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Singers Showcase

Howdy guys...

I am new to the Karaoke scene.  

I was reading a topic about fluffing in the SS, and since I can't post in there, I decided to post here.

Since I was new, I just toggled everything to on...ranking, comments, ect...

Heck I don't even know what theme is for, but I checked it too.

So just in case anyone thought I was just trying to show off, get fluffed, or whatever, know that is not the case. If you think I suck tell me..If you like it, tell me..I am a big boy and I can take it...@6'1" 285lbs, I am a little bigger than I would like to be LOL

Heck I don't even like the sound of my voice on a recording (I never leave a message on an answering machine)...  I think I sound squeaky and have a huge southern draw...I am just here to find some honest criticism about the songs I have put up so I can know whether or not to do them on Karaoke night in my own little neck in the woods...

There is no way I will ever be a singer/performer and don't have a desire too..I just want to have fun and share my songs with you guys.  

I appreciate anyone who listens and give me honest critiques....



Author:  P Tucker [ Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Hey Murlin. Good to meet ya! Sounds like you have the typical "Your own worst critic" affliction like I do. LOL
I think you sounded really good on that Styx song you did earlier....wish I could do some.
One thing to know about SS is, it's all about sharing I noticed. You have the really genuine people who will always listen and comment on your songs, even if you don't always have time to listen and comment to theirs, then you have the primadonas who will only click on your stuff after you have listened and commented to them.
What ticks me off is the ones who never, I say never, answer their comments. I'm not talking about a week later, I mean never. That's almost like saying....who the f#%k are you? Why should I think that your opinion matters? LOL

It's pretty much a freak show man.....just don't let it affect you too negatively. I think you have a great voice man!
Your personal time and attention is all that's required at SS to attract alot of attention. Get too busy with life, and well? That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. LMAO  :wave:

Author:  jim_w [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Ha! You think you got a southern draw...just listen to a sub or two of mine and you'll feel alot better about yourself! :)..lol

Have a good'un, Jim...

FWIW: It's always been difficult for me to listen to myself to! :shock:

Author:  Murlinman [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Back atcha buddy :)  
Ya you are right, I am my own worst critic.

I think your friends and family don't make very impartial critics, so that is why I was wanting comments.  To me, I am not that good, but I am glad that some think that I sound decent enough to sing in public.

I know what you mean about having enough spare time... I am short on time these days for my little side diversion :drool: Heck, I could spend all day, every day messing around with this, but that wouldn't put many beans on the table LOL
And pretty soon my camper would end up the dog house rather than my little recording studio :whistle:

No way I have the time to listen to everyones stuff, so I hope no one gets offended.

I do however try to respond to everyones replies, it is just common courtesy to me.
It might take me a few days, but I will always try to.

Anyways, nice to meet ya too friend.... :handshake:

Author:  Murlinman [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

ROFL!!! :hi5:

Right on Jim, nice to know I am not the only one LOL

Author:  P Tucker [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

I do however try to respond to everyones replies, it is just common courtesy to me.
It might take me a few days, but I will always try to.

That's what I'm talkin' about man......anything less is just plain disrespect in my eyes.

If you don't wanna listen to my $h*t, atleast respond in a civil manner when I hear and comment to your whatever it was...... LOL

Author:  Murray C [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

I'm sure no-one on SS has the time to listen to and comment on all the songs submitted on SS (especially as the server response has so many slow periods) and so I'm equally certain that nobody would be offended if you didn't get to listen to their songs all the time.  If they did, then I'd surely be offending a lot of people here!  Where I am at the moment, I just don't get a lot of time on-line and the time I do have gets eaten away pretty quickly on SS when i'm listening to one song, commenting on another, replying to comments on my own submissions and then reading the replies to comments i have made on other's songs.  I just try to listen to and comment on as many as I can in the time I have.

Author:  P Tucker [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

LOL  I guess what I was driving at was being confused about people who use to be friendly participants of my efforts, but who aren't any longer....wah wah wah :crying2:   LMAO

They were either fake personalities to begin with, or my noise just isn't all that great really......another example of being fluffed explained in embarrassing detail. LOL

And maybe it's because I'm just too nice and would offer a friendly comment to their works even if it wasn't all that great? I guess I'm guilty too. :no:

This wasn't suppose to be about me. I was just offering my opinion to a newbie about what to expect in SS. There're so many personalities to deal with, there really is no way of knowing whether or not you're a decent singer, an average one, a terrible one or whatever....you have to be your own judge of that. And the amount of comments one singer gets has nothing to do with any of it. I've seen EXCELLENT singers get 3 comments on a song before, and average ones (me) get 20 comments. :no:

My point was, don't base the belief of your own abilities from how many or how few comments you might receive on a song......it's a useless form of self-evaluation, and it turns otherwise normal, people into raving idiots.

This place is really about being a friendly personality to everyone.
Now what happened to some of my friendly personalities?  LMAO  LMAO  LMAO

Author:  Isis [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Howdy... I don't like to comment.. I used to but I felt like I was saying the same thing over and over... So I stopped. Plus I am not a music critic.. I just know when I like what I hear...  I also know what I don't like...So I figure I can just creep around and listen as a visitor... We have so many wonderful singers here...

<sarcasm>  And I have no idea what PCCornell is talking about people being friendly here???  LMAO  Just kidding.. I have met so many in person and they are even great in person too!!!

Welcome to the site!!!

Author:  Murlinman [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Thanks for all the input guys....

And thanks for making me feel welcome...

I have been on a couple other boards in the past (not karaoke), and sometimes one is met with a little hostility like you are invading their turf or something. That has not been the case in here.

I have had a lot of positive feedback here and thank everyone in the SS, and here for that.

Isis says  "We have so many wonderful singers here..."

Ya I listen to some of you guys and just wanna say  :worship:  :worship: "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy" :worship:  :worship:

So much talent in here...this is a great place...

Anyways....thanks guys for the feed back...


Author:  oneofakind864 [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

I just went and listened to almost all your subs and left feedback on the ones I could think of anything to say that might help- I applaud your request for honesty...there's a lot of fuffing on here...and I try to speak honestly without lying through my teeth(which sometimes is difficult) I told you what I liked and the things that IMHO could be improved. I am by no means the end all authority on sound and I'm sure there are lots who can give better advice- but I did put in my 2 cents. Hope it helps and I wish you all the best in your karaoke endeavors!

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

hey g/f good to see you back again missed ya

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

That's the problem, most people don't speak the truth on their comments & when they do, they get jumped on for them as a troller or whatever.  I've made comments in the past but like Isis, not really anymore - good or bad.

Author:  pflugerville [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

hey there murlin.  you should hook up with isis, singing squid, phatrat, texas gigi, chuck and all the other crazies from your area!  welcome to K-F or SS or whatever you wanna call this madhouse.  i'm just a few miles to your south.  if you want honest critiqueing your best bet is to get with some of the above mentioned folks and ask them to be honest with you (can be via PM even) and they'll definitely not steer you wrong.

Author:  Murlinman [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

:dancin: Thanks Paula.....  :hug:

It's very hard to find songs to sing that both sound good for your voice and that you like.

I appreciate ya :wave:

Have a good one....

Author:  Babs [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Murlin - Oh I stuck my foot in it. I listened to your subs and commented. I have to admit it is refreshing to hear someone who wants a true critique. I enjoyed your voice greatly - thank you

Hugs Babs

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

YOu are welcome Murlyn...and Morgan/Vik...it's good to BE back...regarding fluffing..I try "Not" to... and I can usually find something to say that is true and still positive. But I have started giving people a little more constructive criticism ...no one has called me names yet- but I'm sure they will. LOL... Oh well.. I'm still "candy coating" the truth with most... but at least I'm not lying through my teeth- especially on the people who ask that we rate their songs. How can anyone improve if everyone is bust telling them that "they are all that" when there is alot of room to do better. I applaud Murlinman for asking for the truth- in the end HE will end up being a very good singer/entertainer because he's working on it from every side...both song selection as to what suits his voice and weighing that with what he knows the crowd will like. And he is practising ...he's gonna blow the barn down before it's over!

Author:  johnny reverb [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

I'm not here to start no trouble, I'm just here to pop your bubble.....so pour the scotch, I'll take a double.....catch me doing the Showcase Shuffle..... LMAO
You can fluff me all you want....I like to be fluffed.....fluff me so much, that I turn into the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man, like in Ghost Busters.... LOL .....I'm just here to be heard....not hurt,,,,,just virtual karaoke for me.....It's all good to me, and I enjoy it all.....I never want to discourage someone from singing.......keep 'em comming, and never stop singing......never, ever stop singing...... :)

Author:  Babs [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Beautifully put Johnny !

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singers Showcase

Um...Johnny...did you know that "fluffing" is also a term used in the porn industry?  :O LOL.... be careful when you claim such a proclivity to it :whistle:  :oh yeah:

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