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Does anyone know the code numbers for these CDG disc's
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Author:  Finna [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Does anyone know the code numbers for these CDG disc's

I am in the process of putting all my karaoke on the computer with KJrip n Zip and if you know the code # for karaoke hits and karaoke bay CDG's then I won't have to type them all in. I have tried kh002 and so on for karaoke hits and kb30702 for karaoke bay with no luck. Is there a place that I can find the correct #'s? I also used audiograbber to find #'s but they don't work for kjrip n zip. I would use audiograbber but for some reason VDJ won't reconize the audiograbber zip file.

please help Thanks

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone know the code numbers for these CDG disc's

I don't know about Karaoke Bay, never heard of them. But KH and many others have their listings at Karaoke.com, and those numbers are usually the ones you want.

I use a ripper that accesses FreeDB, and it gets a lot of the disks. For the ones that it doesn't get, I wrote a program that goes to karaoke.com (where I have bought the vast majority of my stuff) and gets the list from them. It then renames track01 -- trackNN to the right thing, standardizing artist names at the same time. I end up with a mp3/cdg pair named for CCDDDD-NN - Artist, The - Song Title, The.mp3 and .cdg. (CC being company, DDDD being disk number, NN being track number.)

All my stuff is Linux and Perl based, though, so don't ask me what I use. Not a person in a hundred could use it without someone to hold their hand.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone know the code numbers for these CDG disc's

kjpro as a database has a wonderful utility that will do manual or automatic renaming like that!

Author:  sw00000p [ Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone know the code numbers for these CDG disc's


Use a Database for reference.
As mckyj57 uses FreeDB's and Karaoke.com's Database.
As Knightshow stated, KJ Pro has an Excellent Database.
There many others too: BUT use a Database.


Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone know the code numbers for these CDG disc's

knightshow @ Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:29 am wrote:
kjpro as a database has a wonderful utility that will do manual or automatic renaming like that!

KJRIPNZIP will work with KJrpo 1.5 and 2.0's database.   Kjrip's database isn't complete but an attempt by using databases from various users of roxbox.
you go to (FRom help in kjripnzip:)
Database: Allows you to select the database you would like to use. (KJAMPs songs.db3, KJPros kjpro.mde or kjproupdate.mdb)

Once you hit select databse you have to search through your computer for KJPRO's database and select it. now any naming format would have to be consistant with KJPRO"S naming.

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