Ok all... here's the scoop:
Sunday night....at about 1:30 I was having some contractions that were about 5 mins apart for a good two hours.... they weren't really painfull, but they were definately stronger than the Braxton Hicks contractions I've been having for months...
anyways... I didn't stress out too much..... actually, I went to sleep. By the time I woke up yesterday... my body had relaxed enough that they were only happening every 15 mins or so...
so I went to work!
! yes.... I got up... showered... and WALKED to work. Put in my whopping 4 hour shift... still having contractions every 15-20 mins throughout my shift... just a lil pain in the lower back and pelvis...
So... 2 o'clock rolled around I walked back home, but that walk started to put things into motion, I think... They came a lil stronger and were 5 mins apart again. I called up Tyler's sis... we had some supper.... sat around for a bit.... then went for a good, LONG walk hoping to get things REALLY going. We walked for a few hours around town untill the contractions were right on top of eachother (still not too painfull, but close together and lasting a long time) and then to the hospital.
When we got there... the crabby-a$s nurse hooked me up to a monitor... the bands were all friggin twisted around my back and SO not in the right place. The heartbeat one AND the contration one were both way too high. I mean... I know where my doc checks for the heartbeat everytime I go and she was a mile away and she had the other one like right under my boobs.... for cryin out loud, lady... can't you see that I'm carrying pretty damm low? what the hell are you gonna measure up there?
So I'm sitting there... the nurse is scowling like I'm inconveniencing her life... I'm complaining cuz I'm laying on twisted, rolled up bands and she had the nerve to roll her eyes at Tyler's sis as if I was being too difficult! Whatever lady... so she left me for a few mins... meanwhile I had 3 or 4 contractions while she was gone, but BIG shocker... they weren't reading on the monitor, so she comes back and says "ok.. so no contractions" I'm like "well yes, actually, I've had 4" and she points to the monitor "nope.... see? no contractions"
"LISTEN, LADY!! I've had 4 since you've been gone, I don't care what your damm machine says... stick around a little longer instead of going for your obviously needed cigarette or whatever it is that puts you in a better mood and adjust your damm monitor!" (ok... that's SO not what I said, but that's what I THOUGHT Of saying later! HAHA!)
anyways, after Miss cranky-pants unhooks the stupid monitor, me and Auntie went walking around the hospital untill my doc showed up. He came in at about 10 pm... checked me out... and gave the nurse the BEST "what were you talking about" look in the world. And goes "oh! she IS in labour.. she's 2.5 cm along" to which cranky-pants replied with an embarassed, surprised look.
Anyways.... I'm in VERY early labour... not considered "active" labour yet, but we could have a new mini karaoke singer joining the world by tonight. He said I could stay at the hospital or I could go home, so I chose to go home untill things progress a little further.
If I end up going in tonight, I'm gonna make damm sure that nurse isn't the one taking care of me, and if she's the only one there.... Auntie can be my nurse. She studied nursing in college anyways (k, yeah... they won't let her, but they damm well better get someone nicer who's not too hung-up on themselves to actually listen to the patient.)
SO... there's the scoop so far..... I'll keep you updated!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!! I don't wanna be preggo anymore!!
Having to have a game-plan to figure out getting off the couch or needing blue-prints to roll over in bed is getting old very fast!!
PS... wow... I never realized how many times I say "damm" untill I had to go back and re-spell them all so it wouldn't say "gosh darn" HAHA!