I honestly dont remember if we did a show with digital in the last century but I do know in the last century we were ripping and backing cd's (has anybody here ripped with win97? BLUE SCREEN)The pioneers were Cavs My initial investment was about $150 with cavs, encoder decoder and player. I made a lot of money with cavs and although we dont use them anymore I still will defend them....
We went through the dual screen infancy and paid our dues as pioneers. I have been in several professional vocations and realize besides public relations one has to keep ahead of the competition and keep abreast of state of the art technology. I love some people on here but thay are so archaic and stuck in the old days. When most here is still arguing legalalties we will be doing karaoke with a cell phone or something similar.
This is not an ego trip...Open up your minds!! I have tried to apply standard positive business practices here which were met with petty rules and egos. It is not any different than any other venture and should be treated as an adventure not a problem!!
When is this forum going to open up? OH you hurt my feelings!! You insulted my intelligence!! Grow up
Well any way this old man vented Ive working on my dfx12 for 2 weeks I got sounds back Now Im going to sit here and drink beer and harrass you guys!!